A Drunken Mistake - Dear Katy

Start from the beginning

They slowly start making their way down her cheeks, so I quickly reach up to catch them. I stroke her cheek to remove all trace of the tears, but leave my hand resting there long after the tears have dried.

I love the feel of her soft skin under my hand. I stare straight into her eyes and let them completely draw me in like they always do. Slowly, I start to move closer to her, until our foreheads are touching and I can count all the colours in her eyes.

Her lips part in anticipation and I finally close the distance to meet them.

Instantly, I feel that fire that I love so much. As our lips move together, I show her all the love I feel for her.

I know that no matter how many times I kiss Katy, I will never get tired of it.

I pull away gently, kissing her forehead before moving away quickly.

"I have to go," I tell her.

"Wait, what? Why?" she questions, looking confused.

"It's a surprise, I'll ring you when it's ready," I say before standing up.

"What kind of surprise?" she asks again. I forgot how much Katy hates surprises.

"You'll see," I wink before walking out of the door.

Hopefully, she'll like what I have in store for her.

Katy's POV

I sit there staring at the door that Dylan just walked through. I wonder what he has planned.

He knows I hate surprises; I'm too impatient for them.

And now I have to sit here and wait, knowing he's planning something. I'm starting to get restless already.

I get up and make my way into the bathroom.

Sitting on the sink is a shopping bag with a note attached.

'Dear Katy,

I know even the thought of surprises make you impatient, so I thought I would give you a little clue about my plans.
Inside this bag is the outfit you should wear tonight.
Hopefully, this will give you a hint as to what we're doing.

All my love,

I smile at the note. He's so thoughtful.

I'm glad he left me a little hint, I don't think I could wait that long to find out where we were going.

I pull open the bag, and gasp at what sits in there.

Reaching to hold it gently, I slowly pull out my mother's dress.

The exact same dress I wore on our first date.

Tears start filling my eyes as I stare at it. He must have seen it hanging in my wardrobe back in California and known that he needed it for whatever he had planned.

He's too damn sweet sometimes.

My mind goes crazy with possibilities of where we could be going, what the dress could be hinting at. The only thing that springs to mind is the roof top where our first date was held.

Maybe that's where we're going.

An hour later, Dylan rings me to tell me to go downstairs because the first part of the surprise is here.

I walk down the stairs, feeling my nerves pick up with each step I take.

Walking out of the lobby doors, I look to see a black limo sitting there with the driver waiting by the door for me.

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