A Drunken Mistake - She's my rock.

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Ello my beauties, how's life treating you? I hope all is good.

I've read 'The Perks of being a Wallflower' this week, which is now my favourite book ever. That's why this chapter has a quote from it. I believe it's a book everyone should read and experience, or at least see the film. It truly is amazing...

So this is the next installment, I hope you all like it.

It's not amazingly exciting, believe me I know, and I'm sorry. The next chapter, there shall be a BANG!

But if somehow you do enjoy this chapter, well let that little vote button call out to you.

Thank you as always, you are all truly amazing people...

Enjoy <3

 'I guess we are who we are for a lot of reasons. And maybe we'll never know most of them. But even if we don't have the power to choose where we come from, we can still choose where we go from there. We can still do things. And we can try to feel okay about them.'

Katy’s POV

I climb into Dylan’s car so we can make our way to the station to get questioned about Michael.

Is this it now, is it finally over? Will Michael be jailed, meaning I’ll never have to see him again?

Will I finally be free?

I close my eyes, letting thoughts of what happened in my apartment fill my head.

Michael was there, in my secret haven. The only place that I had that wasn’t tainted by him, the first place that I was truly free. And now, just by simply standing there, he’s ruined it.

Now I know I must go back England, I won’t be able to look at my front door without having images of Michael plaguing me.

That’s when I feel Dylan reach over and hold my hand, taking me completely by surprise. I jump once again, just like I did when he touched my face back up in the apartment.

Instantly I feel guilty, I know he’s not going to hurt me, but yet I’m acting like he will.

I look over at him to see his eyes clouded by sadness. I don’t want to see him look like that.

I reach over and stroke his face as I realise we haven’t started moving yet, we’re still sitting in the car park.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper.

“It’s not your fault, you’re caught up in your past,” he looks deep into my eyes, making me feel like he’s reading my thoughts. Dylan’s always been good at this, knowing what I’m thinking and feeling just by looking at me. I think it has something to do with his past and what he went through, he’s one of the people who can understand.

“I don’t want to be caught up in the past,” I admit.

He continues to look at me, not speaking just looking. I don’t feel self-conscious under his gaze, if anything I feel loved.

“Sometimes we can’t help but be,” he breathes out, his face moving closer until his forehead rests against mine. I’m enjoying his closeness, it’s comforting.

I breathe in his unique smell, of mint and my favourite aftershave. This smell, the smell of Dylan can always manage to make me relax.

It lets me know that he’s near, and that’s all I need to be comforted.

It’s amazing the hold people can have on you, whether that be a good thing or not.

Dylan’s hold on me feels amazing. It’s the hold of loving someone with all of your heart. It’s the hold of knowing you would do anything for that person. It’s the hold of being loved in return. The feeling of that makes you feel secure, and that’s something you desperately need out of life.

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