A Drunken Mistake - Time to find out the whole truth.

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Oh god, I'm ashamed of myself!! 

I don't even want to think about how long it's been since I last uploaded, or how bad this chapter is for that matter. I'm sorry guys, I've been terrible lately!

Hopefully, I'll be able to upload sooner, but GCSE's are all here and god is it hard.

But you know, he's a chapter. It's a little shitty, and I don't really like it if I'm honest but you guys deserve an upload so here it is...

Please, even though it's crap, votes and comments will be seriously apperciated!

Thank you guys for still reading... I LOVE YOU ALL!!

Enjoy <3 

'It’s a funny thing about coming home. Looks the same, smells the same, feels the same. You’ll realize what’s changed is you.'

Dylan’s POV

Since reading that article, my parents are all I’ve thought of. They’re dead, and I’ll never see them again. I know I should hate them for how they treated me over the years and I know some part of me should feel like they’ve been given what they deserve in some ways, but I can’t get myself to think like that. I can’t be happy about their death; I can only feel sorrow for them.

I knew sooner or later that their lifestyle would kill them in the end. Nobody’s that lucky to survive for too long with the decisions that they made. Drugs, drink, pressure, that’s what ended it for them.

Yet, I still can’t figure out how they planned their death to be exact. Was it planned this way, or completely accidental? The whole situation is too sudden and confusing.

I know one thing for sure; I need to read that letter. It’s the only thing that could possibly tell me everything that I need to know about what happened to them. It could tell me why they died and how they died. It could tell me about everything to do with my upbringing and why it was the way it was.

And I need to know.

“You want to go back to England next week?” Katy asks me as I come walking through the door after going to the supermarket, chocolate spread and magazine in hand.

“Yeah,” I say, handing her the spread but holding the magazine back.

“How come?”

“Because of this,” it’s then that I show her the front page where my parent’s faces sit.

She gasps a little as she reads the headline, pulling the magazine closer so she can read the article. Luckily right now Kyle and Amy are in their room, I would hate for them to hear about us moving so quickly just as they were getting used to the idea.

“I’m so sorry Dylan,” she says, looking into my eyes with sadness, “Are you okay?”

I think about that for a second, am I okay?

It was a shock to walk by the magazine and to see of my parent’s death, nothing could have prepared me for that. I do feel sad that they’re dead, there’s so much now that I’ll never get to say to them, so many things I’ll never ask. I wish I had told them everything now when I had the chance.

“I’m okay, I think,” I admit to her. She pulls me towards her and into a hug. I love her hugs, they make me feel warm.

“So what do you need to find in England about your parents?” she asks me.

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