Chapter Five : "Different"

Start from the beginning

 "That girl .." he said and then smiled.

 "Open your gift now" he added.

 I opened it and saw that it's a new shoes. It's not a combat shoes though , it's a high-cut sneakers that I could wear casually.

 "Thank you Dad" I said and then hugged him.

 "Okay. You should take more rest son. Today's gonna be a long day for you. They've already started cooking"

 "What? I thought it's gonna be small?" I asked

 "It is" he said and then laughed a bit.

 Before he left, I was able to ask him "Is Ben home yet?".

 He didn't answer back. All he said is "get some rest okay?" and then left. Where could he be? If only I knew where he is right now, I swear I'll go there.


 Hal's P.O.V

 "Well, someone had another nightmare last night am I right?" Maggie said when he saw me trying to sleep at the table.

 "Yeah" I said and then got up to go kiss her.

 "Good Morning Love" I said.

 She kissed back and said "Good morning too".

 "Maggie, I have to tell you something"

 "What is it?"

 "I think I know where are these nightmares coming from"

 "Where?" she asked and then held my hand.

 "I think Karen did something to me"

 "But Hal that was 4 months ago . After you regained your consciousness, nothing weird happened"

 "There's something wrong Maggie. I know it"

 "It's just stress Hal . Look at me, today is your brother's birthday. We should get ready. You still have a cake to bake" she said and then smiled at me.

 "Aww you. One day, when everything is back to normal. I promise I'll bake you something EVERY.SINGLE.MORNING" I said and then hugged her.

 "Looks like someone's gonna be a fat wife" she said and then we both laughed.


Tom's P.O.V

 "Good Morning Mr. President" Ms. Peralta greeted as I walking towards outside

 "Good Morning Marina. My coffee?"

 "It's here sir" she said and then handed me a cup of coffee.

 "I'm sorry that I made you my official Coffee Maker. It's just that yours tastes almost like Starbucks" I said.

 She laughed a bit and said "It's okay".

 "So what are the plans for today?" I asked.

 "Observation on Jeanne's project. Your son's birthday and a meeting Col. Porter" she said.

 "Thanks Marina. where is Jeanne?"

 "She's at the infirmary with Capt. Weaver and Diego. Do you want me to call her?"

 "No. Just let them have a family talk. I'm sure she missed Diego a lot."

 "Sir. I hope you don't mind me asking this, but is Ben back?"

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