But Storms Won't Last
Before I could turn around and see who was trying to save me, the guard said "If you can vouch for her, Mr. Haner. I guess it's okay. Please calm her down, she cannot act like this on the gambling floor."
"I promise she won't go crazy again," he said. It took a second for it all to click. I recognized the voice from interviews I had seen and I knew the last name. Haner, as in Brain Haner Jr. aka Synyster Gates. The guard left quickly. Turning around slowly, I thought to be cool, you are not a 20-year-old girl.
"Thank you for saving me, Mr. Haner, or should I say Gates?".
"It was no problem." He said with a smile "and Brian is fine. Just don't try to kick my ass like that slot machine."
"The slot machine deserved it, it would not print the ticket so I could cash out."
"How much was it?"
"Umm, like 80 something". I could not believe I just said "Umm" and "like", sounding like a 16-year-old.
"He got a wad of cash out of his pocket and handed me a $100 bill. Here, now you have won the jackpot"
I said, "I don't want your money, it's not like it's your fault and I am fine without it." If his smile hadn't just dazed me, I would have been offended.

Brian's POV
The guys were partying after the show, but I didn't feel like it tonight. Michelle and I had just divorced and the ink was barely dry. I didn't really feel like a party. I went down to the Casino, I knew it wouldn't be that crowded at 2:00 AM and I didn't want to just sit in my room all alone. I asked security to keep an eye out for crazy fans. It was quiet aside from the sounds of the machines, not many people at that time of night.
Then I hear this woman yelling and screaming at a slot machine. I watched as Security approached her, I could tell she was upset about more than losing money to a machine. I walked up and got the security guard to let her go.
I wanted her to feel better, I could tell she was pretty frazzled and very tense. I tried to give her $100, I hoped that she would feel better if she hadn't lost money. She didn't want to take the money and I realized I probably offended her. Time to turn on the Gates charm.
"I don't want you to leave empty handed, especially after you kicked that slot machine's ass." and gave her my best devilish grin, she laughed and I could see the tension leave her face. She was very attractive, I could tell she was a little older than me, late 30's maybe 40 was my guess. I liked her light brown hair with purple streaks, mostly in the front, framing her face and bringing out her very blue eyes.
"I think the machine won, not me. Thank you for the cash, but watching you play during the concert was better than cash. Your talent is incredible."
A million girls had gushed at me and told me what a great guitar player I am and how it turned them on. This woman was different, I could tell that she really respected me and my music.
"Thank you. Would you like to have a drink, you can buy with your winnings." and I winked at her. I saw her blush, I could tell she was surprised.

They Clear the Air for Something New

Penny's POV
He asked me to have a drink with him and I said: "Umm, okay". Great, I've regressed even more into being a teenager. On the way there he said, "I believe you have an advantage over me." I gave him a questioning look. "You know my name, but you never told me yours"
"Oh yeah, my name is Penny" We both chuckled.
We went to the VIP lounge and he pulled out a chair for me. It wasn't until then that I took a really good look at him. He had on a plain black hoodie, sunglasses, jeans and a ball cap (I assume to be somewhat incognito) and his shoes were a pair of purple and black converse. They were exactly like the shoes I had on. I had to chuckle a little. "What's funny? This hat? It helps me stay under the radar a little." He said. He took off the hat and glasses and I was mesmerized by the most beautiful brown eyes I had ever seen. I had to snap out of it!
"It was actually your shoes that I had to laugh about" I stuck my foot out from under the table. " I am a purple fanatic!"
He started laughing, "I didn't even notice we had the same shoes! Purple is my favorite color too, that explains the purple streaks in your hair too. I've met a lot of fanatics but you are the first purple one."
"I am pretty sure I know what the other fanatics liked." We both started laughing and for an hour we sat there and talked. It was so relaxed and natural talking to him. I asked him about when and how he learned to play guitar (I joked that there was probably one in his crib). I told him about my daughter Chloe and her upcoming Wedding after graduating college next year. He told me about his family, how the guys in the band were his best friends and really his family too and of course, he told me about Pinkly. We even talked about our recent divorces. We were so at ease with each other and we had just met. He did look a little surprised when I told him how old I was, I don't think 44 was what he was expecting.
There was suddenly a bunch of loud squeals coming toward us...
"Synyster Gates!", "OMG, you are so hot!", "Party with us"
The 3 scantily clad girls had somehow made it into the VIP lounge and were rushing toward our table. Brian immediately looked annoyed but tried to be pleasant to his fans. "Hi ladies, do you want an autograph?"
The leader of the group said "Autograph! We want more than that. Come party with us, we'll show you a good time, instead of just sitting here."
Brian looked at me with embarrassment, I just smiled and winked at him then gave him a go on motion with my head. "I'm sorry girls, but I already have plans tonight with my friend." And he smiled and winked at me. He called me his friend! Once again, I was reverting to a teenager.
My excitement was very short-lived when the busty blonde said "What? Hanging out with grandma? Just get her walker and she can putter back to the nursing home."

Brian's POV
I could not believe this bitch had just insulted Penny like that! I immediately stood up and said, "What the fuck did you just say?"
"I said Granny should beat it." And she glared at Penny.
Penny started to speak but I held my hand out for her to stop. "Don't ever insult her like that again. I would rather spend my time talking to this beautiful woman then hang out with you ugly, fucking sluts." The girls just stood there in shock. "Now get the fuck out of my face."
They all said "Fuck you" and some other crude expletives as they were escorted out by security.
Penny got up and said very quickly "I should probably go, thank you for saving me. For me, it was a great getting to know you."
"Wait," I said "Do you have to go? I don't want you to. Please stay, or better yet let's go for a walk outside. I am sorry for what those ignorant bitches said, I think you are a beautiful woman inside and out. I don't care what your age is." I meant every word too. Talking to her, I had opened up about things I never talk about. I even talked about my split from Michelle, how she wanted me to quit the band and stay home and have kids together. For once I felt like someone wanted to know me, not Synyster Gates.

Walk with me
Penny's POV
I was so humiliated, I just wanted to run! Suddenly, I felt like what those girls said, OLD. I tried to say goodbye and leave quickly, but Brian asked me not to. His adorable chocolate brown eyes looked at me and were so apologetic and had such sincerity. My embarrassment was forgotten and I just wanted to continue this amazing night.
We walked for what seemed like hours laughing and talking then sat down on the grass in the now empty and dark General Admission Lawn section, which was filled earlier that night with screaming fans. Then it finally hit me, I had spent hours with Synyster Gates! I was so comfortable with him, I really never thought about who he is. Now here I am sitting in the dark with Brian Haner Jr, the real man. He probably thinks I am trying to sleep with him like those groupies. I suddenly felt cheap.
I had a chill and shivered and scooted away from him a little. He said, "Are you cold?" I shook my head, suddenly I was afraid to speak. I was afraid I would say the wrong thing.
"Here, this will warm you up," he said. He scooted over closer to me and put his arm around me. Once again, I was totally at ease.
We talked and laughed a lot, for the first time in a long time I didn't feel totally alone.

A lifetime full of words to say.

Brian's POV
Penny moved away from me, which is the opposite of what most women would do. I could tell that she was suddenly uncomfortable. I didn't know what to do, we had connected in a unique and innocent way, should I mess with that? I wanted to be closer to her, but did she want to be closer to me? Would she want to be with me, she hasn't acted like the others who just wanted another musician "notch on their belt." I didn't want to make her feel that way, but I so much wanted more. As my mind weighed through all these thoughts, there was a part of me that just instinctively moved closer and I put my arm around her. I felt like a cheesy dork with a pickup line saying "Here, this will warm you up." It seemed to work though because I instantly felt her relax again.
"You know, this is one of the best nights I have had in a long time," I said
"Yea right, Haner!" she said. It was incredible how at ease we both were like we'd known each other for years instead of hours.
We both laughed and laid back on the grass looking up at the stars. You may never see this woman again a little voice that sounded like Jimmy's said in my head, kiss her!

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