At that point, a new found adrenaline kicked in and I slid my way out of the duct tape roughly but as quiet as possible.

Rico, eyes still closed, had both hands on his belly with a soft smile and not a care in the world. Hands now free, I looked in his direction one more time before dashing straight to the door.

He leapt up quickly, but before doing so I had already gotten to the noise while closing and locking the door.

Sweaty bodies once again trapped me in with incoherent music and the scent of cologne and ass it smelled like.

All of the lights were flashing in my face, like an in home disco but they were dim. If Rico thought he could catch me after taking LSD while in my spot, he'd have another thing coming.

Adrenaline still fully there, I scattered now in fear of my life to the exit but it somehow disappeared.

Over the loud music, a girl in booty shorts and crop top yelled to her friend, "I'll be right back, I'm just going to the car!"

My ears perked up at a one time chance, following the girl in tall heels and torn stockings scooted her way through the crowd, as did I. She swiftly went through everyone without so much as a trip of her pump.

Thankfully, the screen door came into view. She left, never noticing me, and I finally had gotten a chance to breathe. Opening the door, I inhaled and exhaled loudly trying to calm my nerves. Looking up at the sky, all hope flew right out the window.

Sunset slowly was aproaching and beats in my chest increased thinking about if Nonna had come home yet.

"She's going to crucify my ass," I thought out loud.

Faintly, a soft voice brought me back in recognition.

"Thank you Russle," it was then I knew, Willow out of all people, gave me heaps of relief.

Since I still was on the front porch, they were no where to be found. Although, my feet led me to the side of the house which is where I heard Russle mutter something.

Both of my palms became clammy, seeing the two exchanging the usual, while hugging silently and quickly.

Her light voice carried, "Monday big guy, don't forget."

"Lydia will not be disappointed."

He knew?

Willow seemed a bit uneasy. In a basic long-sleeved shirt paired with pale blue jeans, she still managed to look absolutely delicious. She had thys that could make any man hungry for what lied in between them.

However, she failed at covering the same bruise graced on her stunning face. Russle left without another word going to a back door, I assumed.

Willow had her head casted low making sure the transaction was discreet. Yet her eyes failed staying down.

When light warm brown orbs met mine she looked taken aback and I froze.

Leaving the front porch and advancing to her, an index finger belonging to me reached my lips to hush her. She gave me a puzzled look, opening her mouth to speak but was utterly speechless.

"What are you doing here?" She whispered coming closer.

I met her to the side of the house and really focused on how to answer her question.

"I wanted to.....apologize to Russle." Lying through my teeth, Willow frowned at the reply.

"I know I haven't known you for very long but something tells me you wouldn't come all this way to apologize to someone you don't even know." After pausing momentarily, "How did you find this place anyway?"

Her curiosity surprised me given the situation.

Rubbing the back of my neck—tensed, "Well, just like how you take care of things for your aunt, I too had to do the same for myself." Realizing what I said made me freeze.

Taking a step back, Willow stammered, " did you....?" Her hands went up in surrender at finding an explanation followed by silence.

She walked past me with a clear small plastic bag in her back pocket. Going after the petite, shamelessly my eyes clouded with lust seeing a round plump rear.

Now is not the time.

Willow was speed walking away, but not without limping slightly. Almost barely noticeable.

Catching up, she peered up at me while still keeping a steady pace. Rough gravel scurted under both of our feet as we both dragged them on the side of the road.

Clearing my throat, "Do you have your phone with you?"

She glanced in my direction quickly, replying, "Lydia took it away after keeping her waiting from the last time."

I scoffed, "Considering the fact that you have the one thing she wants, that's probably the dumbest thing I've heard."

She stayed silent still walking.

Then the burning question took a stroll on my tongue before it could be stopped. "Do you really want to help me?"

Stopping completely, Willow locked eyes with mine. Suddenly, all that could be focused on was her gorgeous brown eyes and plump lips. No Ace, not the time.

She looked down with a light blush on her cheeks, almost not seen.

Gazing back up, an unreadable emotion in her eyes, "Yes, will..uh...will you be okay with me helping you?"

How she said it made it seem like there was a double meaning. I wanted to dismiss it but something about it had doubt. Like we weren't talking about school work, just life in general.

Willow laughed nervously, "I mean, your grandmother said it'd be okay. Hopefully you don't mind."

Grinning at her behavior to give her reassurance, "It's not like I have a choice in the matter, but even if I did, doubt I would it turn down either way."

A genuine smile reached her face and met her eyes. Just like that we were a bunch grinning fools meandering on the side of the road.

The Boy with Bad HabitsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin