Chapter One : "Danger Lurking"

Start from the beginning

 "What?" I replied to him.

 "Do you like Deni?" he repeated.

 I replied with a "No" but he didn't seem to buy it so I just gave him half of my chocolate bar to distract him and then we went to Dad's office.

 After we got inside and closed the door, we ran towards Dad and gave him a tight hug. "My boys" he said and then hugged us back tightly.

 "So Ben, how are you?" he asked.

 "I'm fine .. why?"

 "Nothing, it's just that I've been doing a lot of things lately as president. And you know, Anne's pregnant so I have to check on her every now and then. Are you sure you're your alright?"

 "I'm fine" I said and then smiled at him.

 "Suckerfish is fine" Matt said.

 "Just eat that Chocolate" I told him.

 "Whatever" he replied and then went out of the room.

 "Ben , did Deni mentioned that you're not grounded anymore?"


 "Did you learned your lesson? You scared a lot of other people that night"

 "I'm sorry okay? I didn't realized that some kids are still awake"

 "That's not the point Ben. You lifted two giant vehicles at the same time, you could have hurt yourself"

 "I'm strong Dad. I'm even stronger than Hal so no need to worry about me"

 "Stop comparing yourself to your brother. You got grounded because of your lack of understanding and respect for yourself and to other people"

 This argument will not end anytime soon so I decided that it's best not to say anything. I just want to leave this room right now.

 So I got up and told Dad that I still have to do something. He gave me a tight hug and said that I should take care and be more responsible.

 "Yeah" that's all I said and then went out of the room.

 After I got out of Dad's office I saw Hal coming towards me. "Hey Ben" he said. "What?" I replied to him.

 "It'll be Matt's birthday 3 days from now. I was thinking that maybe you could come with me and check out that Bakery Shop downtown, maybe they still have ingredients that we can turn into a cake or something"

 "Can you believe it? He's 11 now."

 "Yeah and he's becoming more mature than you" he teased

 "Shut up Hal. We have morning patrol tomorrow. You could come with us and then we'll go to that Bakery you said"

 "Woah. Morning patrol? Who's with you?"

 "It's Wednesday tomorrow right? Deni and the other de-harnessed kids"

 "Ben" he said firmly and then looked straight into my eyes. I know he's still uncomfortable around them.

 "Okay fine, after the patrol I'll go with you"

 "Now that's what I wanna hear" he said and then ran away from me when he saw Maggie going to the Cafeteria.

 I was about to go to my room to change clothes before heading back outside when Deni came rushing in towards me.

 "You have to come with me" she said and then ran outside again. I followed her all the way to the Rebels camp, which means that something bad is going on or will about to happen.

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