What It Do?

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I know I know I know. Y'all are probably like:


And I know, I do apologize. I'd so be ringing in the New Year with y'all if it weren't for the recent passion drop I had. Believe it or not, I was actually seriously contemplating on leaving for good. Basically, I didn't feel as if I deserved  to be on here or be friends or put myself on the scale as everyone else.

Like if ZoeTheHalfrican was like Tupac on here, reignofshady was like Biggie and rookiem was like  Nas , I'd be like a 50 Cent or Game. Good, but not as good, y'know?

So I had a major rehash and decided I was gonna stick with y'all until maybe the summer. I'm moving and all this other stuff then but then again, maybe not. Idk when I'm gonna leave tbh.

And my mind is made up. But however, I'm gonna change some stuff.
You are gonna be getting less of me bc of school and the pressures bc believe it or not, this is a lot of pressure. A lot.

So there's no more What's Goods, this is strictly for rants and parodies and my updates are gonna be a bit less.

That's it for me. I have a rant in the works so don't be all like that.

Thanks for waiting y'all:

*Walks out to the end of "Dr. Day"*

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