Christian and Catholic Schools

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Alright, so here's a fun piece of trivia about me for you: I've been in Christian schools for about ten years. This is my final year in one (thank God) and here's something's that I've learned about it.

Just in case your parents want to send you to one of these cult houses, here's what you need to know about basically all of them.

So, there's a few things I should tell you about it:

◽️They hammer the religion so hard, it's actually crazy◽️

I'm fine if you want to share your religion or faith or whatever. I'm even okay with it if you want to encourage others to do that, But they take it up about 123457219937474920102948474648302926464 notches too high. Everything these people talk about are literally either Jesus, Jesus or Jesus. It's honestly insane. Like, they ask people to accept Jesus in freaking Math class.

I'm like, where are the square roots????????

◽️Everyone is brainwashed◽️

It's so scary how everyone is brainwashed into being some Bible thumping, homophobic person. Literally everyone is the same and believes the same things. I'm Christian now but when I was Agnostic, basically everyone thought I was a freak of mother effing nature. Everyone abandoned me except for my close friends. If you're even the slightest bit different, you'll be outcasted. And they also teach that non Christian's deserve to be shat heavily upon and that in public schools you'll have 10000000000000 God debates per day.

I've never attended a public school but I've been to a lot and a lot of my friends go to them and I'm 99.99999999999999999% positive that shlit doesn't happen on a daily basis.

◽️The little church services◽️

So every Wednesday, we have these little church service and this is how they go:

✖️Sing terrible, terrible white people Christian music
✖️Do announcements
✖️Sing more terrible songs
✖️Some old pastor talks about old baseball (no literally this one dude talked about his autographed balls and it had nothing to do with Jesus or religion or nothing)
✖️We all leave

And I've had to do that every Wednesday for the last nine years.


◽️The "teachers"◽️

This is mostly just my school but idk, this may happen in other schools. Maybe two of my teachers are actually qualified meaning they have a degree and license. Like a lot of them are like pastors or best friends with their kids. Mostly we just go into these woods that have like rapists, shooters and other terrible things.

I swear if someone dies or gets sick back there, my school could be shut down.

◽️The obvious homophobia◽️


◽️The "rules"◽️

You can literally get in trouble for anything. The worst thing that's happened to my school in the last maybe eleven years was when I hit this girl in the face on purpose in like fourth grade. I was in so much trouble for that and that's on my permanent record and everything.

And plus not to mention getting in trouble back then was like going to jail. Yeah, it's amazing.

So those are some of the things I don't like about Christian schools. I hope that was relatable bc all of that has happened to me. I might be making a part two idk. And does anyone have any advice about public school? Is it worse than everything I just said? My mom told me I'd get beat up and I'd have like two friends so is it actually like that or...

Alright, catch ya later😉~stillmxtic

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