Boobs and Friends

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Okay, I know, I know, I know.


Aight, Aight. Fine. But can I say this? Yes? Okay.

Knowles said I have McDonald's tits. At first I thought this meant I was fat and I had big boobs bc of that which lead to a depressing Spanish class. But then I realized it meant I had fat titties, not that I'm fat.

Like yay!

It's sooo great to not be called pretty, not be called interesting, not be lusted after or talked about in a good way, but to be said I have fat tits!!!


Honestly, I just want to take my boobs and throw them away. I hate them. I didn't ask for them. I didn't even freaking want them. Everyone is getting all sexual about them and I can't do anything about it bc I can't freaking hide them! Idrc if people talk about them bc it's me so what. But three times? This is like the third time Knowles has brought it up.

Like keep it under control down there, son.

But this a part of a bigger tread overall. Everyone likes my friends, and no one likes me. And I'm not out to be getting sympathy, bc I don't need that. It's just facts at this point. All my homies out here be getting them boyfriends and I'm out here getting these decent grades and hip hop. And I know I've said all of this earlier, but it's just been reiterated so many times this week.

I get it: my friends are gorgeous, I'm here. My friends are interesting, I'm here. My friends are skinny, I have fat tits and a fat arse, but I'm still here. My friends are coming back again and will save you from hell if you believe in them and I'm here.


It's just so freaking annoying and I despise it so much, it just makes me so sad. I don't even want to go back to school tbh.

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