School and Copiers

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As you may know, your favorite person ever (me haha) went to school today.

Basically, school is for whores in foundation, black guys with twists and the Genericas of the world.

I dislike school and everyone except for my ride or die's are annoying.

I can't wait until summer and the year literally just started😂. And everyone is liking Marshall, Kendrick Lamar and Nas because I do. And I'm like "slut, where were you when I first started getting into rap fr in like 2013?"

I don't want to some off as cocky or like arrogant. Or like everyone wants to be me or something.

But honestly like if you copy off of someone.
Stop that shlit, it's annoying as fug. Be yourself and then people will probably copy off of you. It's simple.

I used to copy off of people and when I finally stopped giving an eff, people started copying off of me.

Okay, comment down under to tell me what you guys hate about copiers or about school in general.

Catch ya later😉~stillmxtic 

Same As Yesterday |rant book| *Completed*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ