Writing Tips Two

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Since the last writing tips helped a lot of people out and I gave some pretty good advice, I'm going to make a part two. Kk, let's go!

More Writing Tips
With: the biterphobia

⭐️ Be consistent ⭐️

Now if you have a life and you're a busy person, don't have about 1929292 books on your account. Or don't abandon your account. The worst thing you can do to your reader is pull them in with a grappling story, life giving characters and then see that your last update was on April 23, 2012. If you've canceled the book, say that somewhere. Just Jesus, be consistent with your content if you're going to make any at all. Have a schedule if you have to.

⭐️ Don't quote full lyrics in your chapters ⭐️

Legit if you run out of content, you can't just be like:

Christopher and I were walking down the Dover Cliffs as my iPod turned on "Many Men (Wish Death)" by 50 Cent.

Start Song

Many men
Wish death upon me
Blood in my eye, dog and I can't see
I'm tryna be what I'm destined to be
And n-ggas tryna take my life away

I put a hole in a n-gga for fudging with me
My back on the wall now you gon see
Better watch how you talk when you talk about me
Cause I'll come and take your life away

Many men.
Many, many, many, men.
Wish death on me
Lord I don't cry no more
Don't look to the sky no more


I've legit seen people do this in their books. Like no, pls stop forever. If you run out of content, leave and wait until you get more.

⭐️ Make the climax mean something ⭐️

Like if you've done it all, the whole nine yards and have a good climax ahead, don't spoil it and have it be someone getting robbed by then your boyfriend shoots him.

Like no. Make it better. Build it up and raise the stakes. Make hem have some sort of reason to want to be up there.

⭐️ Language ⭐️

Now you may have noticed in my quoting of that 50 Cent song that I don't really swear in books. It's not that I think swearing is bad or anything. But if my mom were to go on here and find this and all my works, I don't want to risk getting in trouble for swearing. Pretty paranoid, but I can't have the whole James thing happen again.

But for you, you don't need to swear in your books. It does evoke some emotion and does help if your writing an abusive scene. But every other word in you book doesn't have to be a swear. Like the sex scenes, if you don't want to do it, don't feel forced to.

⭐️ Abusive parents ⭐️


Only you can prevent the continuation of abusive parents...

⭐️ Titles ⭐️

Titles of books nowadays are so stupid. Like:

Mariannas Trench: l.h. + m.c.

Hate Cutting: PTV love story

Who Gives a Shlit- Eminem fanfic

No. Make your titles have to do with the actual book. Insane, Ik. But it'll get you farther with your content.

I'll be doing more. And I thank rookiem heavily for introducing me to 50 Cent's music...

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