15 Questions Tag

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Heyy. So I feel as if I haven't updated in awhile and soon I will return to the rants we all know and love by me. I'll be doing one on new Marshall, things I don't like, tumblr, SJW and many, many more lol. I made up this tag thingy and just in case any of you actually care or wanted to learn anything about me or you wanted to answer anything about yourselves. I tag everyone that wants to do it. So if you want to do it, post your answers in the comments or comment on the answers themselves lol.

So, without further ado, let's start this poo (Mazzi Maz reference😉)


The Fifteen Questions Tag
Made by: marshallisillmatic
Being done by marshallisillmatic

1. What's the best thing you've ever done?
-Go to this party with my best friends, prank call people with my cousin and win an award for writing.

2. What's the worst song you've ever heard?
-Everything by Rae Sremmurd (that took awhile to figure out how to type😂) and
"Hangover" by Psy feat. Snoop Dogg.

3. What's the best song you've ever heard?
- "Bad Influence" by Eminem.

4. Where do you want to live when you grow older and why?
- Seattle, WA because of the way it is there and all the rain.

5. Favorite movie?
-My top three are: 8 Mile, Singin' In the Rain and Finding Nemo.

6. Favorite YouTuber?
-Nigahiga, blndsundoll4mj (She was in the "We Made You" video) SwooZie, TheThirdPew and Mazzi Maz.

7. Favorite song and why?
-A lot of people think it's something off Infinite or something. But it's actually
"My Name Is" by Eminem. I just feel like that song just like describes me and whenever it's on I smile really wide.

8. Favorite book?
-Probably Looking For Alaska by John Green, Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green or Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell.

9.Most unpopular opinion you share?
-I honestly think that lasagna, macaroni and cheese and ranch on a salad tastes effing disgusting.

10.Boyfriend Goals?
-Nathan Zed.

11. Favorite song by favorite artists (male and female)?
-"Tonite" by Eminem and "Nan, You're a Window Shopper" by Lily Allen.

12. Best compliment you've ever received?
-Once this guy that I'm still friends with made a rap talking about how pretty I was. I was super attention whoreish so I denied it to get more compliments.

13. Worst insult you've ever received?
-These guys said I was "mentally ill" and said that I "cut myself in my free time" it hurt a lot, but I got over it.

14. Favorite lyric of all time?
- "I never sleep, because sleep is the cousin of death"- Nas "N.Y. State of Mind".

15. Worst thing you've ever done?
-Back in like November and December, I used to catfish people hard. Like, I'd lie about my age but told these people where I live and my city and all that. And I met this guy and long, agonizing story short, my life was absolutely ruined by catfishing. I did horrible things to myself and mentally tortured myself because of what happened this person. That's why I'm so against people catfishing me on here and why I tell people not to private message me.

Okay whoa, it just got serious in here. Btw, for all the people that read Never 2 Far, Ibe got a lot of it written down. But I'll be putting it up tomorrow with a second or maybe third update. We'll see haha.

Catch ya later😉~marshallisillmatic 

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