"Compare Me ", a poem set to "The Fear" By Lily Allen

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[This is condensed of everything I've felt today, just on a much larger scale and over dramatized. Listen to "The Fear" by Lily Allen, it's brilliant]

"Compare Me ", inspired by "The Fear" by Lily Allen
By: thebiterphobia or J .

I wanna be white and I wanna be attractive
I want this because this because they are synonymous with reactive
If you see a pretty white girl
They change the world
If I take my clothes off
I wouldn't be lusted
Because nothing is oversized
And my dancing is rusted

I look at rap videos
And I look in the mirror
I'm in the wrong lane
And I'm not getting nearer

I don't know who I'm supposed to be
And I don't know want everyone else wants to see
When do you think I'll stop these charges?
When my boobs or my butt enlarges

Life's about followers, money and friends
What if I'm already set up so that I have to pretend?
But it doesn't matter if I'm a great person
Because I can't say who I'm worse than

And I'm not allowed to bring up these feelings
It's all apart growing up, it's all part of dealing
I look at rap videos
And I look in the mirror
I'm in the wrong lane
And I'm not getting nearer

I don't know who I'm supposed to be
And I don't know want everyone else wants to see
When do you think I'll stop these charges?
When my boobs or my butt enlarges

Forget about bleach
And forget about blonde wigs
Because I'm calling out them all, because we are all pigs
I'm not blackest and I'm not whitest
But I was white, it'd aid who'd think I was brightest

I don't know who I'm supposed to be
And I don't know want everyone else wants to see
When do you think I'll stop these charges?
When my boobs or my butt enlarges

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