My Taste in Guys

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I just dropped my stupid arse mother fugging iPad and my earbuds were in it and now they're broken. I literally want to set this whore on fire rn for mess it up. But that's not the point of this rant.

The point of it is to rant about the types of guys I like. Now, most of my friends hate on me bc of my taste in guys and who I like. I'm going to give it to you here. So pretty much, idrc what you look like.

If you fall into the category of:



Then you could still be considered attractive to me, you know?

But if I were to make my favorite guy, I would have him be taller than me, dark complected and not totally muscular. Like 50's muscles are like the most extreme ever. I think it's kinda ugly. Like Marshall is like perfect on the scale of being toned, but if you ain't totally muscular or you kinda chubby, it's aight. But when yo arse is like 192837271 lbs. don't expect me to be picking your poop from your porta piss, k? So yeah, like tall and dark. I like guys with big lips, it's really attractive imo.

In terms of personality, I love guys that are smart, funny and sweet. You can be the poorest dude ever but if you're like that and you've stuck by me, I'll stand by you until the end. Guys who love hip hop like I do literally have me weak at the knees.

My old best guy friend, Osita was like obsessed with Tupac, Nas, NWA etc. I liked him for a bit but he didn't like me back like that so I quit liking him. But if you like shlit like that or Marshall, prepare to have a new girlfriend.

In terms of religion, idc. As long as you aren't forcing it on me or talking about it 99% of the time, idc. Tbh, I just like chill guys who don't like too much drama. Is that too much to ask?

Now my friends are like the opposite. Everything where I love is based on the white standard of everything. The darker you are, the worse the bullying will be. So my friends like guys like Justin Bieber, Kian Lawley, etc.

My friends are obsessed with white boys. They're cool and all but for the exception if my boyfriend Marshall, they aren't my type at all. And as far as I'm concerned, I'm not their type either.

So every time the subject of guys come up, they're like : "J, you have the worst taste in guys ever."

Like um, no.

You guys are the type to date a guy for his fire shoe game and "banging abs". I'm the type to date guys for their loyalty and personality. And I'm not shlitting on my friends but fr, guys tf are you doing?

I like dark skin guys, I find big lips attractive, I don't like super muscular dudes. Do I really have to be criticized for that? I forgot, you guys are also the type to throw up when you see gay people in public (no lie, they actually did this).

Anyways, these are the types of guys who seem to like me back so... Guys liking me back is a whole 'nother story lmbo.

Above is my collage of guys that are super attractive me. It's Marshall, Nas and 50. But I also like Proof and George Clooney in terms of cute guys. And I don't like older guys but yeah. Just had to rant about this bc it comes up a lot.

What's your taste in guys? Thoughts or nah?

Kk, catch ya later😉~thebiterphobia

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