Be Yourself •Short Rant•

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K so your girl went to school today and there was this girl I know wearing heels. The thing about wearing heels at my school is its basically unheard of.

And she was wearing pants with it too so it looks atrocious. And she had on approximately 282848272 tons of lipstick and makeup. Like every other girl at our school to be this way. Like she legit copies so hard off this girl and me it's annoying. Apparently she "loves hip hop" and "thinks Marshall is so hot". Okayyyy?

What I want to say is like who tf cares if you're different than everyone else?

Appearance wise, attitude wise, intelligence wise.

The thing about me is I'm a blunt person. I'm pretty smart I think so I say things that sound super intelligent of you don't know what they mean. So combine bluntness and that and you have me. I hated my inner self forever bc I was forever saying how annoying and weird I was.

And one thing I learned over the summer was that the people you're trying to fit in with aren't sempiternal. They won't be there forever so you might as well be yourself bc that's who your stuck with for the next sixty years.

And also, when you pretend to be someone else, you'll always be the poor man's version of that person.

Idk, wanted to spit something deep, tell me your thoughts.

Kk, catch ya later😉~thebiterphobia

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