[I Love You]

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Three simple flucking words. I love you.

If you don't read my What's Good?s, then I have yet to inform you that Monday, November 23, 2015, I experienced my first death. It was my great nan (my grandad's mom) and she died after getting caught in a fire. And I've gone through all the grief symptoms in a total of seven hours. It was hell tbh.

So I'm going back to my Nan's for Thanksgiving and then afterwards, I have to come back up here for the funeral. And I wasn't really all that close with my great nan, but for the people irl and on here that I'm close with, I have something to share with you:

I love you all so much.

You have no clue how much I appreciate every single one of you.

You are all so beautiful and I hold you so close to my heart. Like y'all don't even realize.







All you guys are literally my world. I'm not changing the way I think, the way I am, or my personality and views. I just want you all to know that I appreciate you more than anything.

I love you all so flucking much, homies.

Illmatic Squad, ride till we die...

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