Iggy Azalea

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I used to be an Azalean, horrifying, I know. And her fan base is crazy weird. Like talking about her  like she's the second coming of Christ. No, babe. She's Iggy Azalea.

Like, she had the potential to be awesome. Female white rapper, says some outrageous stuff. And not like "I had sex with 1828191039289110488382819192 guys at the same time" outrageous.  It's set up where if Iggy had the skill, she could be like a Feminem. The female Slim Shady. But nope, she wasted it. All this potential, just effing wasted. Like for real. I can't be the only one who thinks like this lol.

Also, she seems like a nightmare in person. Not to mention all that bad shlit she said on Twitter about everyone of every race. And her accent is probably on the most talked about things. Honestly, it's whatever. I don't really think it's racist. Like, it's just an accent. Now, if she were to rap in Australian accent, I think it'd sound effing terrible.

To be honest, she's kinda pretty. Like her hair and lips are okay. But without make up she looks Amish. No lie, bro. And all these comments from guys talking about her booty is gross as all eff. It's nasty. Like, her booty is just Brazilian lifted.

Now, that being said, every Iggy song ever basically goes like this (sorry in advance for the terrible rhymes):

The Struggles of Iggy Iggy
By Iggy Iggy

*Cue Terrible Trap Beat

Yeah, woke up and did it
I went to my stripper job
I quit it
I've got a big arse
It's probably not fake 
I've gotten drunk
Now I'm awake
I'm white
I'm Australian
My past life wasn't alright
I got pale and
I came here at age one six
And I lived all over the sticks
Yeah, it's hard
Being me
I have haters
Like you see
It's difficult
When you're trying to drink your tea
And people keep calling you Iggy Iggy
That's who I am!
I'm Australian
Did I mention I had a big booty?

And not to mention every old, washed up early 2000s pop star is collabing with her because they think they'll be all popular again. No, you won't. You will be overshadowed by the incredible Iggy Iggy.

That's it for now. I might not be updating Never 2 Far today. But I'll try.

Catch ya later😉~alltimeshady

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