originalwanksta Is Obese

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*This rant was made with true anger*

Okay, so y'all are all comfortable and know Knowles, right? Yeah, no. I'm not going to say I hate him bc that implies I give some notion of a fluck about him. And I'm gonna be kinda a hypocrite rn bc I say I don't care but I'm going to say a whole bunch of shlit that clearly shows I care.

So: hypocrisy warning

So this flucking twat tried to talk shlit and be like:

"J's obese and is a cannibal bc she eats her fingers."

Blitch, when? Honestly, roasting me on my fingers is the equivalent of roasting Marshall bc of his drug addiction. Shlit is that flucking irrelevant.

Let's discuss how you have one uniform.

Let's discuss how you about to be cut from the basketball team bc you missed that many shots.

Let's discuss your nonexistent dad.

Let's discuss your hair. which appears like your mom's shaved pubes. All thin and shlit. Looking like a Japanese POW painted black...

Wanna talk more shlit? After three years, wanna talk more shlit? Bc I will roast you into oblivion, slut.

And the thing about it is I've been super insecure this week so that really brought it down. Then I realized.

Ho, I exercised for an hour. Which is probably wayy better than you've done in the past year.

I eat less than everyone else (bc I have a small appetite).

I'm the only one who'd rather eat homemade food than McDonalds.

So how about you take all that "J is obese, J has gross fingers." shlit and shove it up your anus. It wouldn't be the first time something got stuck up there☕️

Oh and while you're giving me shlit about being "obese", it's "thick black girl" and "big tits, big bum" that's in your RedTube searches☕️

So, whatchu mean, fam?

Extreme Truth Ahead

I swear to the moonman that he needs to make everyone laugh just to get their minds off of him and all the things you could say about him. And I just happen to be thicker despite being an shlit ton healthier than everyone else. So that's really the only thing you can say at this point.

And I know in a public school this is gonna happen, and I have something to say about that.

Who exactly the fluck is Knowles?

He's a teenage boy.

Am I really going to ruin my own life and fluck myself up bc of a teenage boy?

Negro please|

He's a little boy.

He's a blitch.

He's nothing.

There is literally nothing to be gained or lost when you talk to him or when he's roasting you.

He's not going to get me anywhere in life.

He's just kinda existing, not really benefiting anyone's lives.

And I guess I am too. When you think about it, we all are. We aren't really placed on this dying piece of land to do anything more than reproduce. So, should I fluck around crying bc some hypocritical coon called me "obese", something I know no matter how much I want to believe isn't true?

Or should I shrug it off and go on, facing these same issues to a maximum of one thousand? I despise where I go to school. But when you realize everyone has this happen to them at some point, that everyone is secretly made fun of, talked about and scorned, it feels so much smaller.

I can honestly call myself a chubby slut and not feel offended or anything. And I should honestly be able to accept if someone wants to call me it back. So whatever, as long as I got my squad and I got my hip hop, I couldn't give a fluck less whoever wants to talk.
And that kinda shuts down everyone's argument.

I'm a pretty, intelligent, healthy, hilarious person. And I believe this so, who flucking cares.

Oh, and Knowles? Next time you grow the balls to say that to my face, I'm smashing your arse. It's gonna concave more than your starving baby brothers cheeks. Either verbally or physically.

G-Unit said it best, when I see you in class and you all scared underneath,
"I smell wussy."

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