Other Girls Vs Me

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There's this thingy (idk what it's called😂) that's been going around like:

Other Girls

💟Terrible Music
💟Peroxide Blonde
💟Nash Grier
💟Over Makeup
💟Fake Massive Boobies
💟Stupid TV Shows

Amazing Music
Sickly White
Brown Hair
Andy Biersack (He's actually not that attractive imo)
Little Boobs
Staying In
Normal Body

Like, I'm all for being proud of who you are and all, but really? You're just as bland and generic as the people you're criticizing. When I used to be emo, they shat alllllll over people like the first ones.

I'm like,

I get it!! You're an antisocial loser with 2837472810395756658291937474782019384473791 terrible bands and boring interests.

So, because I'm hypocritical af, let's do one ourselves. How about you do one in the comments so I can see how we stack up.

Other Girls
👑Okay Music
👑Blonde or Brown Hair
👑Skinny af
👑Blue or Brown Eyes
👑Tank Tops In Winter

✖️Pretty Good Music
✖️Black Hair
✖️Chubby af
✖️Brown Eyes
✖️Hoodies In Winter (it's cold as frick bro)
✖️Off Brand Boots (because being middle class is awesome!!)


Oh and congrats me on making 20 of these!! 
Catch ya later😉~stillmxtic

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