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So, there's lots of annoying stuff on here. You thought you were going to get away free, didn't you? Haha no. This is also going to include Stan's, smuts, gay smuts, bad stories etc. Also, I really like doing these because I love to share my thoughts and opinions, so expect more lol.

Types Of Stories On Wattpad
By: alltimeshady

|The Inexperienced|

These people have no idea what in the fug they're doing. And I used to be like that. We all did. I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about the people who've had Wattpad for like a year and still have no idea how it works. Or have no idea how stories work Like, literature wise, their stories are a mess. And presentation wise, after the first chapter, you've pretty much decided that you don't want to read it because of how strangly set up it is. These people be like:

{Chapter 1}

My mind was made up. I was going to move away. I had my burgundy bags packed at they were at the back door. I've got my mind on my money, and my heart in place. I walk outside with a dream. I open my arms out to downtown D.C. and bam, I was in love.

{Chapter 2}

I gave birth to my fifth and final daughter Amelia as my husband stared on in amazement. The End!!


|The Terrible Spellers|

Okay, if you're not good at spelling, that's okay. I'm not good at math or science. It's just how you are. But if your stories are like this:

Chaptur Own:

Realia's Pint Ov Veew:

Beyng n heighskol iznt eazy. U hav 2 deel with boyz and ur pairents. Nd knot 2 meanchion ur hare and naeles.

I started skol 2day. It waz haerd as hick! My teecher gayve me a detynchion 4 knot anzwerring a qouestchion rite. The pryncipul iz succh ah juerk!1! I hayte heighskol nd mi stoopyd pryncipul thymes 18181819191991938383828199383821093388929328103818202838281928. Dats a beeg nuhmbaer!!1!

But your comments are like this:

Commonwhitegirl17: um, no offense, but your story sucks

TheLordeWillProvide: Oh my God. That's so disrespectful. I will hand you over to penitentiary!! 😡😡😡

Like no.
Your career is over.

|The Terrible Punctuation|

Again, if you don't have good punctuation, but you can manage it once and a while, it's okay. But if it's like this and you can control it:

[Chapter On.e]

Today! I went to the store? It, was just wonder-ful because I'saw the! Best outfit ev-er!! It was so gorgeous? I fainted for 29 hours! I bet. Your jealous of me! Ugh; it was just so good; I mean: really?!.

| The (Insert Band Member/Singer/Rapper/Actor) Adopted Me!!|

Why? Why do these exist? Also, why is the Standom so effing gross when it comes to these stories.

Like we all know the notorious "Eminem Adopted Me" story. The really nasty one with the thirteen year old and Marshall having a relationship. I cannot tell you how many times this disgusts me. And I swear, if Marshall were to read that or any story like that, he'd be puking too.

Some of them are pretty good. Like, my girl rookiem 's story isn't God awful. And UReadIWrite 's "Adopted Me" story is one of my favorites.

Honestly, if you can pull it off, then hey. It's an easy story. In fact, here's basically the set up of every Adopted Me story ever made:

1. Orphanages suck!

2. My new father sucks!

3. I run away because of something really stupid i.e.: My dad told me to throw away my empty ice cream cone and I didn't want to.

4. I'm back at home

5. Climax i.e: My evil mother comes back from the dead and kidnaps me!

6. Resolution i.e: Father kills her

Tell me that isn't how basically most if not all of those go.

|The Generica|

These people's stories are some of the most Taylor Swift-esqe stories ever. Like, the girl meets the band member, rapper etc. and it's so boring. Like all they do is just go out, cuddle, sing or something and sleep.

Like be interesting for once, Generica!!

|The Smuts|

I used to be emo and like a lot of terrible bands. And that means I read their terrible, terrible smuts. Idk why, but these are super popular in the community. Like, ew. Why?

I don't have anything against gay people, in fact I am a massive LGBT+ supporter, but I couldn't relate to the romance at all between two guys.

I just couldn't. And the sex scenes are just plain awkward.

|The Catfishers|

Wtf, are you doing tryna find a relationship on a reading app? Go do something with your limited time.

Okay, this was super long but fun. Let me know what annoying things you find about Wattpad down under (comments)!

Catch ya later😉~ alltimeshady

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