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For reignofshady

Y'all literally are a special breed of stupid. My question is why? Why do you have so much against a group of people that have literally done nothing to you. Like it's so disgusting. The whole Confederate flag thing this summer was absolutely terrible.

And the scary shlit is, there's wayy more in the South. When people tell me racists don't exist anymore or black people no longer suffer in American society, I challenge them to go to Northern Georgia or rural South Carolina.

When time when I was around eight or nine, I went to the South with my mom and there was literally a Confederate flag the size of my house flying in the air. And even up North people are sneaky with it.

And I'm not going to be like "Why can't we just love each other?".

I'm just going to say that you guys, usually old white 281982374 year old Republicans, need to get your own island without any food or water and watch them fend for themselves.

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