History of This Account One

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Hey there! Have you ever wanted to know about the history of the @thebiterphobia account? Or the story behind J's insanity? Or how I met and did all these things in such a short amount of time, nearly a whole summer?

Well, you've come to the right place!

The History of This Account
You'll be Surprised what you see...

So, this account was originally opened under the name: TamilDreams97. I thought Wattpad was a place where you could read actual books for free and my friend had it so I was like: why not? I wanted to read a Trisha Paytas book on here and not have to pay for it. Tamil was basically for when I was obsessed with India a few years ago and 97 is like my favorite number so thus it was opened. This was in March of 2014. When I discovered I couldn't read like actual books I abandoned this account for a bit and became one of those accounts. You know, the ones with really sweet names but they don't have shlit on them (part of the reason I had to have my name "thebiterphobia").

So in July of 2014, I started using this again to read fanfics. I read the "Eminem Adopted Me!" one and I thought it was just amazing. Idk about comments or votes or any of that so I just kept reading it. It was like really nasty and I read all the scenes and went along with practically all of 'em. That was until me, my nan, my grandad and my mom were all on a cruise, my mom found the story and read a part of it and bam! I was like banned from reading it. To this day I'm still only up to Chapter 50.

Also, then I was copying off of other peoples ideas and trying to write my own. It was like an Eminem Adopted Me story but there was a ton of swearing. No like every other word was a swear fr. I uploaded all of it in one like 10394828194 page part bc I didn't know how to upload things in parts and I had to delete the whole story. I was soooo mad.

So then in September I picked it back up and started reading Wait? What? Me and Eminem. And that was literally like the Never Ending Story. Literally everything was 383737281929484726194746318 pages long and omg. But I loved it. That's probably when I first started getting into fanfics but I never could get beyond the whole Eminem Adopted Me thing.

Now we're in November and I'm emo. Like one eye covered by hair, dark filters, all black, Pierce the Veil and Sleeping With Sirens songs for days and Hot Topic was like my home away from home. Also all the mental stuff like the depression, cutting, suicide, all that was there too.

Since I was obsessed with these bands and "loved" this lifestyle, I found something called "Gay Smuts". Now I'm not gay by any means. I'm attracted to guys and it's just always been that way. So I could never really relate to Kellic or Jalex or whatever else the frick other people read. They had good ideas and such detail and I wanted to be like them.

You see, I've always had a talent for writing. I don't really acknowledge it but I've won awards for it, have had all types of accolades for it and since I was little kid I've always had more of an interest for reading and writing instead of science or math. I don't acknowledge this either, but people tell me I'm a highly creative person. I mean, I guess I am because I can like come up with scenarios and different things like that. But the thing about is basically, what would I want to see in a fanfic or a book or whatever. And if it hasn't been done, why not do it? That's the mindset I've had since like third grade when I started caring about my abilities and weak points.

So I applied that and made a Kellic fanfic called Darkened Scars and Infinite Stars in December of 2014 and that caught the attention of this old account and I was instantly hooked on it. Sadly, as some unfortunate events happened (my old catfishing and depression) happened I slowly gave up on it and deleted it a few months after. It maybe had like four reads on it so...

I gave up on Wattpad after that feeling defeated because I thought no one wanted to read or hear what I had to say. I also got in major trouble over catfishing and that ruined a lot of other things for me too.

In May I changed my name to: alltimeshady after a whole slew of other Marshall/bands names like: piercetheslimshady (probably the worse one😂), bringmethemathers and mychemicalmarshall. I went to an All Time Low concert with my dad and I was just beginning to get over depression. I got deeper into fanfics and such with An Unexpected Encounter being my favorite. I had maybe 40 followers and my account had like no bio or no real anything.

I remember I was about to go to Georgia for a vacation and I got an idea for an All Time Low fanfic since that was mostly what I'd been reading. That's how Who'd Have Known was born. I uploaded and worked unbelievably hard on the first five chapters, but I saw no results. I was then trying to accept myself for how I looked and who I was as a person. A few people inspired me by not even knowing it. I'd been reading a lot of ZoeTheHalfrican 's stories and I wanted to be kinda up there like she was. Her stories were and still are so inconceivably well written and almost scarily close to literary perfection. I just wanted to be up there and I looked up a lot to her.

Uploading stories but having no audience is basically the equivalent of taking a basket to a specific tree in the dark woods. You have no conception of where in the eff you're going. I became a bit of a whore and waited until I hit one vote or comment to upload another one. I was that desperate.

I began to give up again. It was official that no one wanted to read anything I had to put out there. No one cared about my ideas or how well it was written. One night I checked my notifications while playing "We Didn't Start the Fire" by Billy Joel and stumbled upon something called Eminem Fanfiction Rants by reignofshady . And oh my God, was it hilarious.

I was laughing at the dang thing for about fifteen minutes straight. Just the way she put this and this together and created these almost bizarre scenes whilst all still keeping within the context was also a huge inspiration to me. She was leagues above me and I wanted to be where she was too like ZoeTheHalfrican .

A couple of weeks later, I get about 55 notifications on Who'd Have Known. And well...

Okay I have to cut this short bc it will take way too long to put in one part. I'm doing a part two like right after I upload this and I hope you guys like it.

Okay catch ya really really soon😉~thebiterphobia

Same As Yesterday |rant book| *Completed*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant