How to Tell If You're Fat and Obesity *Short Rant*

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I already crapped on skinny people. But what about my opinions on fat people? This is generally going to be more aimed at girls since I am one.

Fat people are basically everywhere. You guys are fr taking over the Earth rn. Being fat isn't really all that healthy for you as a person. I can understand if you have an eating disorder or a thyroid problem or whatever. But if you literally just eat McDonald's 39382929383 times a day, yeah you need to quit that.

Or unless you like being ugly and bedridden. Like have you seen the people's stomachs on My 600 Pound Life? Shlit is nasty as eff, man.

How I see it, you're fat if your stomach basically ruins your figure. If your have a small waist and you eat so much Bob Evans you can't even bloody find it, you're arse is fat. Or if your legs look like cottage cheese or wet sand, you're fat.

Kk that was short as frick but I wanted to touch on it since I just ate like three plates of broccoli casserole bc I'm a chubby slut...

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