Periods + Period Tips

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Since this is the 69th chapter 😏😏😏😏 and I've gotten my period, reminding me of how much I disliked it. So I'm going to give y'all some tips you might not've known and some things I especially despise about them. And I'm not going to complain about them and you'll learn about it soon.

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Period and Period Tips
With: thebiterphobia

🔵  What even is period anyway? 🔵

Periods are pretty much your body preparing for a baby that might not even come. But people don't really tell you the other parts. Like the symptoms, what to use, how to use it, the pills. And let's not even with the mental shlit. It really, really blows.

Honestly, I wanted my period as a kid. I thought it made you a woman or some fake book filler shlit. But it doesn't. It was like one January when I got it and I was watching YouTube videos and I went to take a shower.

There was this stain and I shrugged and was secretly really excited. Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....

🔵 Why do people complain about it? 🔵

Tbh, I never understood and still don't understand why girls complain about periods. Last summer, my period was literally everywhere. I had one full week on, then like a day off then two weeks on. The worst was probably when it spanned over a month, just constant, constant heaviness and cramps and it had been literal hell. It stopped for like twelve hours and picked back up.

And I freaking loved it. Despite the days I had severe cramps, I actually made a lot of memories I still cherish to this day on it. Only just now it's evened out to where I can at least estimate it. But fr.why do y'all complain?

🔵 Tips 🔵

Kk, here's some tips  from me to you:

⚫️ If you have cramps, lay down instantly and chill. It seems like common knowledge but it honestly goes a long way.

⚫️ Always have a cup for accidents.

⚫️ If you become insecure, just know that it's temporary

⚫️Take medications! I swear you cannot fight the pain alone😂.

I hope you adored this lol. I'll be doing more. Onto read rookiem 's rant😂.

Catch ya later😉~thebiterphobia

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