Chapter 75

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Normally the Reaping is easy. A quick, painless drawing of names and then whoever is lucky enough to not be picked gets to go home. But this year, being nine months pregnant and having to pee every six seconds is causing the Reaping to be a bit more difficult. From where I stand in the eighteen year old girl section I can see the father of my child who doubles as my best friend. He looks to me as Seven's escort walks on stage her heels clicking loudly.

A video plays and then she makes her way up to the bowl filled with girls names. Her hand is immersed in little pieces of paper. I really need to pee.

"Lexi Branson," my name is called. Everyone parts for me to walk to the stage and my mind is spinning. Why isn't anyone volunteering? Can't they see I'm one hundred months pregnant?

"Come on dear," she says, ushering me to move faster. I waddle up the stairs and I see someone fighting through the crowd. It's Kai. He opens his mouth to speak but someone beats him to it.

"I volunteer as tribute," I let out a breath. Kai would've done it. He would've volunteered. A blonde haired boy moves toward the stairs as someone holds Kai back.

"What's your name," Lilliana asks.

"Matt Fuller," he shakes my hand. Peace keepers lead us each into separate rooms. In a few minutes, my door slams open and Kai embraces me as tightly as my belly allows.

"I love you," he says.

"I love you too," I tell him. These words are exchanged many times before he says something else.

"You have to win. For me, and the baby,"  he says, putting his hand on my stomach. As if on cue, the baby kicks against his hand and he smiles gently.

The train to the Capitol is amazing to say the least. The first thing I did when I got on though, was vomit. Maybe it's jus because I was really nervous.

"The Capitol is going to have a field day with you," my mentor, Johanna Mason says.

"What," I ask.

"You're pregnant. Nine months by the looks of it. They're going to adore you. You'll probably be famous by the time we get there," she smirks.

I place a hand on my stomach absentmindedly. I swear this baby is doing flips.
When we reach the Capitol I smile at the crowds, hoping to win over some sponsors. The screaming becomes an almighty roar.
The next few hours are spent having every hair on my body plucked, pulled and waxed.

"Your stylist will be here soon," when he walks into the little room I look up, brought out of my daydreams of my baby, Kai, and me.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Annabeth Jackson," she says, sticking out her hand.

"Lexi Branson," I greet her, shaking her hand.

"Well it's nice to meet you, Lexi," she says. "Seeing as you can't go into the Games pregnant, President Snow has ordered that you be induced into labor. So you have two choices. Natural labor or an operation to have the baby removed?" She asks. I look down at my belly. I can't believe I'm going to have this baby today.

"Which is safest for the baby," I ask.

"The natural birth is most common in the Districts, but the operation in the Capitol," she says.

"Natural," I tell her. Suddenly, I'm being ushered away from one small room into another, but this one smells different, sterile.

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