16. //Bring It On//

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JungKook gave the cue to sounds' guy and he immediatly hit few random buttons. As the fast and full of beat 'Dope' came on everyone watched as the smirk came on the girls face.

"It's all you can do?"

She said daring him to fight her and started dancing. Not just dancing she was living the dance. Breathing every move, JungKook almost forgot to dance as he watched her stunned.

"You got better."

He said in between the beats and wipped off swaet drops from his forehead. She smiled and winked.

"I wasn't sleeping on my luck."

She said still smiling.

"Neither was I!"

JungKook shouted running out of breath as the girl seemed to be full of energy.

Suddenly JungKook's part came up and out of nowhere, not even looking for any kind of mic she could use to make her voice louder, the girl started singing.

Suga gulped and NamJoon gasped. Jin just stared at the performance with his eyes wide. They were all more than stunned by her perfect vocals.

J-hope was about to clap, but Suga sat him down sushing. He was glancing at her with a smirk.

And his guts were right as seconds later she not only didn't stop, but went to the rap verse with full power not even hasitating.

V's jaw dropped and he looked pretty much like J-hope, who lost the smile and had his mouth wide open.

"Give me the file of hers."

Rap Monster silently commanded and the guys handed him the files from the manager, Suga peeked from above leader's shoulder and nodded to himself.

"A triplet indeed."

Jimin commented remembering Leutae's words.

"Nam Juna...I never heard this name before."

NamJoon frowned reading the file. J-hope shrugged and looked at it too. The girl in the photo on right corner of the page had dark hair, they were the same lenght, but different color.

"Me neither."

J-hope frowned too. Jin took the file and scanned it. He shook his head with no idea too.

"Where do you think JungKook found her?"

He asked and the only one who seemed to have an answer was V.

"Obviously you never heard of her, if she made JungKook cry he would never mention her."

V smiled with his square smile and blinked few times looking at the fierce battle accomponied by Juna's vocals and rap.

Rap Monster proudly glancedat his dongsaeng and nodded aproving.

"No wonders you don't know her name." Jimin suddenly spoke. "She always goes by PopRock."

The oldest raised his eyebrow.

"How would you know?"

Jimin mysteriously grinned and eyed the two of the fighters.

"Let's just say we have some past."

The music stopped and out of the blue a claps could be heard from the door. Everyone turned to that direction and a girl immediatly stopped clapping while blushing.

"I'm sorry, I just was informed that it's my audition time?"

She asked in a girly voice asked as its owner was coming nearer the commiasions' table. JungKook seemed to have lost orentation as everyone went to check the time.

"Huh? Yeah, let me just sign you up Juna."

He said and heard a giggle from his hyungs' side. JungKook looked up and Suga smiled at him lovingly and mysterious.

"Too late."

Juna looked over at Suga and then at JungKook.


He didn't seem to understand at all.

"I already signer her up."

Suga said proudly and held up a paper as the rest of the BTS glanced at him in disbelief. No wonders he was silent before.

"Seriously hyungs? Second time today!"

The Author's Note:
Poor Kookie, isn't he? Anyways, here comes the fourth members so called triplet, don't get surprised if Nam Juna aka PopRock, gets called that later on in the story ^-^
Btw... the way we found out her nickname-stagename...Jimin told us... so... What kind of past do you think he had in mind?
Tell me in the comments :D
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