Chapter 24

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Oh God.

I just want one more chance with my little sister.

At this point, even half a chance will do.



When we got there, after a 5 hours 30 minutes, plane ride, my dad said, "Welcome to Hawaii."


Author's Note: Surprisingly, that's it for the recap. See you all either halfway or at the end of the chapter and don't forget to do the most important thing...... ENJOY THE BOOK!




"Don't call me that." I spat.

"Please. Just hear me out. I didn't know we were related."

"So? Does that make it right for you to one day, not want to have anything to do and the next day want me to be your best friend?"

"Char please. Just let me talk."

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" I yelled.

"Do not raise your voice at me."

"Oh yeah? Care to tell me why?"

"Cos I am still your elder brother... you like it or not."

"Please... don't go around calling yourself my brother! It isn't just blood that makes people related or siblings, you idiot. It's the behaviour, the treatment AND the blood part."

"So will you call yourself my sister?"



"Cos I don't want to be."

"No, wrong answer. It's cos you haven't exactly treated me right too."

"And I am to be blamed for that?! Go to hell Eric."

"I am not blaming anyone but I am saying we are both at fault."

"Don't include me in the 'we' Eric. I am not at fault."


"No you listen to me!" I yell with tears racing down my face, "You looked me in the eye and told me you wanted to have nothing to do with me Eric. Forget all the times you've called me a bitch or other names or the times when you've done things that hurt me but that, that was it, so don't go around acting like the victim. I'm the victim here." and I left him.

I bumped into his dad- my dad I mean and he said, "Are you ok, Charlie?"

I put my hand over his and nodded before walking out to the beach.

After jogging for a while, I sat on the sand and cried.

"Don't cry. Remember? Everything will be ok." Chris said, holding me and letting me cry.

"Nothing will be ok. Nothing Chris! All my fantasies about having a brother that cared went down the drain the moment he said he didn't want to have anything to do with me. Everyone expects me to be strong; walk around like nothing happened and hug him and say everything is ok but newsflash - NOTHING IS!"

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