Chapter 6

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Claire: So this is so not fair. Eric is going first for the third time!

Eric: Jealous much?

Claire: Hell no! Just pissed.

Char: Where's Chris?

Chris: Somewhere.

Char: Are you eating?!

Chris: No?

Char: Sheesh you need serious help.

Chris: Nope, I just need you, baby.

Amanda: Awww.

Claire: Sweet and all but I really need to hear what happens next.

Nicole: Me too babe. Me too.



"No no no no! SHIT" I said out loud.

I went on to read Amanda's text. By then Claire was looking at me concerned.

Amanda's message read;

Eric I'll meet you there and so will Char.

That means Amanda was here. I looked up to see her walking out!

Not again Eric.

Not again.

Without excusing myself, I ran after her.

Claire still had no idea what was going on.

When I caught up with her she stopped walking, turned around and said, "So?"

"Amanda sweetie I am sorry."

"Again. You know what, Eric? Save it for Claire."

At that moment I saw Char and Chris park the car and come down.

Chris didn't look at me and Char immediately hugged Amanda.

Amanda broke down in Char's hands and Char comforted her.

When she was a little calmer she released Amanda to Chris and Chris made her comfortable in his car.

He gave me a look that said, "later" and got in.

Char told Chris to take Amanda home and that she'd walk but wanted to talk to me first and they left.

They left!!!!

They left me with Char.

Well this isn't gonna be good.

By then Char was livid.

Just when she was about to explode Claire came out and said, "Eric? Is everything alright? Char what's wrong? Is Amanda ok? Where IS she?"

"Oh I don't know. let's ask your boyfriend." she replied looking at me like she could strangle me then and there.

If looks could kill, I was sure I'd be dead by now.

"Claire, Amanda is ok. Go inside, I'll meet you." I said as I touched my lips to hers.

Char acted like she was puking.

When Claire was inside I looked to Char, pleading her with my eyes.

"Really, Eric? Why Amanda?" she asked all the fight gone out of her at the thought of her best friend.

"I swear I totally forgot."

"And her text? You forgot how to read too?"

"No, I forgot to read it. It came in in an inconvenient time and when I was done, I forgot."

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