Chapter 7

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Nicole: You guys ever thought of sharing?!

Char: Nope. Jeez, this Swiss roll is heavenly.

Chris: It's not half as good as the strawberry one though.

Char: Who says strawberry is better than chocolate?! You're so not normal.

Claire: Ok who wants to remind me what happens here? I need to know so i know wether to get popcorn.

Eric: Very funny Claire. This is the scene where she who must not be named faints as she can't stand to be near this walking oven.

Char: Fuck you Rick.



Oh, no!!

The boys were around and Mandy just went home to have a bath.

I rushed out to their car.

Oh. my. days.

They were HOTTIES!!

They dressed alike in V-neck tops and skinnies. Their skinnies were the same colour, grey and Chris's shirt was light green while Eric's was blue.

They came down and Eric was the first to speak, "I'm assuming you aren't ready. Please tell me you managed to convince Amanda and that you're coming too."

I was in shorts and a tank top and my hair was in a messy bun.

We were dressing up in Mandy's house but I didn't want to alarm Amanda and I couldn't leave them in the car.

"What if I am? Anyways I did, I keep my promises you know. I'm going to get ready with her. Would you mind waiting in my house so we don't alarm her? And if I may say you guys look smoking hot." I added with a grin.

Eric was visibly surprised by my comment and gave me a knowing smile. Chris meanwhile smiled and said his thanks.

To my question, Eric said sure and I lead them in.

Kate came bounding immediately and didn't waste any more time introducing herself, "Hello!!!! I'm Kate, Char's sister. You are?"


I didn't know Char had a sister. "Hiya Kate. You're a cutie, how come I haven't seen you around. Where has your mean sister been hiding you?"

"Char isn't mean... most of the time... sometimes. ;) i've been in boarding school but I'm on holiday now. Who are you?" she asked Chris after giving me a wink.

She really was cute.

Why can't Char be as sweet as this?


"Chris, your sister's friend and Eric's best friend."

Char offered us a tour of her large house but I decided to stay with Kate who wanted to tell me stories of her school.

Chris chose to go.

After funny stories she asked me if I liked her sister. "no I don't Kate."

"Oh so she's just your friend."

Char and Chris came in at that moment and were patiently waiting for my reply, "Errrrr... yeah, kinda, in a weird way."

"Kate I'll see you later. Mom said you should meet her in Amanda's house once you are done with lunch which is in the kitchen. Say bye to my friends in case you don't see them again." Char said to her sister.

"Bye Chris. Bye Eric." and she surprised me with a hug and gave her sister and Chris too.

"When she's a little older, call me. She's a keeper." I said.

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