Chapter 10

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Eric: Chris? You ok?

Chris: Oh so now you care after practically rolling on the floor laughing your ass off.

Eric laughs: Aww don't be a cry-baby. You ok?

Chris: What do you think?

Eric: I'm thinking not. Every man for himself, you know that man.

Chris: Hahaha! Stealing my line. Besides why exactly didn't Nkechi come to my rescue?!

Eric: She couldn't care less?

Author (Nkechi): Shut the fuck up Eric.

Eric: Touché.

Chris: Ha!

Char: Will you two pretty faced jerks shut up and pretty faced jerk one, start narrating.

Eric: I can bet my... well you, Char, that I'm pretty faced jerk one.

Chris: Very funny Rick. Absolutely hilarious. Idiot.

Eric: No need to be so touchy young one.

Amanda: Oh you two should get on with it.



I noticed the car the same time Amanda, Chris and Char did.

"SHIT!!!" I let out.

Amanda looked at me and murmured, "good luck. I'm gonna go get Kate." and she walked away.

I don't know if it was just me but the whole beach seemed to have gone quiet, the waves suddenly became peaceful, the laughing couples were nowhere to be heard and neither were the screaming/crying children nor the ringing phones.

I'm not sure these are good signs.

Char and Chris walked up to me and each stood by my side while Amanda stood a ways off with Kate.

"Well, well, well. Who do we have here?" Claire asked in a deathly sweet voice.

"Hey babe. You know Chris, Char, Amanda and Kate." I said easily.

"Unfortunately I do. Care to explain what you are all doing here?"

"Ricky brought me to the BEACH!!! Isn't it absolutely beautiful? Who are you?" Kate rushed innocently.

Amanda tried to put her hand over her mouth to no avail.

"I should be asking that question. Who are you?" Claire replied glaring at Kate.

"Oh that's ok. No need to be so rude and shy about introducing yourself. I'm Kate. Char's little sister! Would you tell me who you are now? Or are you Claire? Mandy is this the Claire you were talking about?" she asked sweetly and innocently.

"Yeah it is." Amanda muttered in response.

Claire gasped when Kate called her rude and shy and I glared at her daring her to insult Kate.

"Cool!! Do you want a hug Claire? Your name is so pretty." Kate went on, sucking her thumb and with a reproachful glare from Char she removed her thumb.

"No sweetie I don't want a hug. I just hope you don't turn out to be a bi-" Claire said before I interrupted her.

"You will not use any swear or cuss words around her." I said and I walked Kate to the playing area and told her to play.

Amanda joined me and said she'd look after her.

With that I went back to meet Claire who was boiling with anger at the way Chris and Char refused to acknowledge her presence and kept on laughing about something.

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