Tears On Heather Petals.

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((((( AUTHORS NOTE: Get rekt Pearl. Get fuckin rekt destroythebeautiful XD )))))

You were tapping your pen on your pad impatiently.
"Kellin, c'mon, you only have to choose a mother fucking pizza topping." You sighed.
Kellin stared down at the menu with furrowed eyebrows "Its not that simple Heather, I cant remember which pizzas this place did well and which ones were shit!"
You roll your eyes "Just hurry up, they'll probably close soon."
Kellin nods and is about to speak, when his phone rings. He answers it and stands up. "Hey Justin, whats up? ...Oh. No...uh..I was gonna have a night in with Heather tonight man, cant we sort this out tomorrow? I cant just leave her! You know what I mean, I feel bad leaving her on her own when we tour as it is! Ha, thats actually not a bad idea! Ok, let me see what she says!" He pulls the phone away from his ear and turns to smile at you "Hey, baby?"
You smile up at him "Yeah?"
"Justin and the guys are all waiting for me down at his place having a jam session, we'd originally scheduled it for tomorrow by Justins Mom decided she wanted to go visit him tomorrow, so we had a change of plans...and I dont want to leave you here, so do you want to come jam with us?" He asks hopefully, his eyes lighting up at the idea.
You smile widely and nod frantically "Fuck YEAH!!! Im gonna go get ready, I'll be back in 5!" You run past him and kiss his cheek before bolting up the stairs. You change into a black vest top, a red flannel, black ripped skinny jeans, and you steal Kellins black hat, you basically look exactly like he did in The Strays music video, which is what you were aiming for. You ran back downstairs and Kellin was waiting for you.
He smiles up at you "You should've played me in the music video, you're so much prettier to look at!"
You giggle and run into his arms, he picks you up and spins you around before placing you gently back down on the ground.

You were sitting on a couch beside Nick, who was strumming away on his acoustic guitar like a fucking boss. The jam session was almost over now.
"Just warming up!" He said, your eyes widen. He'd just performed 8 songs, what more warming up did he need!?!
Jack was on the other side of the room, strumming skillfully at his electric guitar. You smile at him "Hey, Chinny?"
He looks up at you and smiles "Yeah?"
"Do you know how to play any famous solos on that bad boy?" You ask curiously.
Jack laughs and nods "Yeah! I know the solo in Beat It by Michael Jackso-"
"HOLD ON WHAT!?!?!?!?" You squeal.
Kellin facepalms "Oh god, you've mentioned him."
You run over to Jack and sit down infront of him with your legs crossed "Play it, play it, play it!" You chant.
Jack laughs "Well, ok then!" He starts strumming and you recognized it instantly, he was getting the Beat It guitar solo absolutely PERFECT! You knew this solo off by heart and were getting super into it. At the end you jumped up and hugged Jack.
"Dude you have some serious fucking skills! Holy shit! You're gonna HAVE to show me some of your other solos at the next jam session!" You squeal.
Jack nods and laughs "Thanks! And sure, I'll happily play for you!"
You let go of him and spin around, noticing the room it quiet than it should be. Someone's missing. "Where's Kellin?"
Nick shrugs "He walked out as soon as you hugged Jack."
You run a hand through your hair "Fuck. Do you guys think he's pissed off with me?"
Gabe drapes an arm over your shoulders "Naw! And even if he is, we'll protect you!"
You smile slightly "Thanks guys. Is it alright if I stay here until he comes back?"
Justin nods "Of course, stay as long as you need!"
You smiled weakly and flopped on the couch again, bringing your head to your hands. Did you ruin everything!?! Surely not, Kellin knows you're a sucker for Michael Jackson! Still...maybe you shouldnt have hugged Jack. You could've really hurt Kellin. Fuck.

Its been half an hour, still no sign of Kellin. You stood up from the couch, the guys were all sitting on it with you and comforting you. "I dont think he's coming back guys, Im gonna go, thanks for letting me stay, I love you guys." Your voice cracks at the end of your sentence, you turn and speed walk out the door before anyone can stop you. You wrap your arms tightly around yourself, its really dark outside now. The tears start to fall, rolling down your cheeks. You might've lost him completely, over a stupid guitar solo.

You didnt know where you were walking, and when you actually looked up at your surroundings, you realized you were completely lost. You were on some sort of estate, and there was a park in the center, you made your way toward it and sat on a swing, clinging to the metal chains. Your phone vibrated in your pocket, you pulled it out.

Justin: Where are you!?! Kellin came back literally a minute after you left! He checked for you back at your place and couldnt find you, where the fuck are you!?!

You: I dont actually know.

Justin: What!?!

You: I just kinda walked here. I dont know where I am. I'd say about 20 mins away from your place, on some sort of housing estate, in a park.

Justin: Dont tell me you're on the Radley estate!?!

You looked around and saw a sign on the park gate. " Radley Park ".

You: Yeah, I am, why?


You were about to type out a reply, when your phone gets knocked out your hands.
"Who the fuck are you, bitch!?! You dont belong here! I never forget a face!" A deep, husky voice says from beneath a hoodie.
He pulls you up and grips your forearms. Tears fill your eyes. A white van speeds into the estate, the side doors slide open and a group of guys run out.
"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!!!" Kellin shouts.
The guy lets go of you and runs off, you collapse to the floor. Kellin starts running after the guy, Justin and Nick help you into the van. Kellin jumps into the passenger seat and you start speeding down the road, you cry into Justins shirt.

The guys drop you and Kellin off your place. They drive off and leave you in the drive way of your house.
"K-Kellin...did I do something wrong?" You ask in a whisper.
Kellin shakes his head and wraps his arms around you "No Heather, you didnt do anything wrong, c'mon, let me explain." He leads you inside the house and sits you on the couch. He crouches down infront of you and has one hand behind his back. "After you hugged Jack I left to go and get you something to prove that I loved you more than Jack does, not because I was pissed off with you. It took me forever to find a store that was open and sold what I wanted! But eventually, I found exactly what I was after." You raise an eyebrow, Kellin pulls his other hand out infront of him, and you see it. He's holding a bouquet of flowers, but not just any flowers, a bouquet of roses, with a single Heather flower in the middle, the Scottish flower that you were named after.
You blush "Kellin, you are the most adorable, ridiculous, idiotic mother fucker I have ever met, and ai love you so fucking much!" You take the flower and fling yourself at him, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck and snuggling into him.
Kellin laughs "I saw that flower and couldnt help but see how much it is actually like you."
You raise an eyebrow "In what way?"
"Well, its small, beautiful, cute, and VERY pink!" Kellin explains.
You pull away from him and furrow your eyebrows "Im not pink!"
Kellin smiles "No, but your cheeks are!" He kisses both of your rosy cheeks.
You giggle "Well, Im not beautiful!"
Kellin frowns "Yes you are! You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, no other can compare to you. I love you so much, my beautiful babygirl." He grins before gently rubbing his nose against yours in an adorable eskimo kiss.
You bite your lip and blush an even more violent shade of red. "Thank you so much Kels, and I love you too."

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