Chapter Twent Two

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I leave out of the room before they could say anything I else and run up to the room that Sah'nai was curious about the night I'd invited her here. I needed blood and I needed it now because I couldn't take it anymore. I had to go and see my mate.

I ran there. After draining a couple bags of blood I felt much better. I wouldn't be able to stay the night with her, but I would just go and see her; make sure that she's okay.

Most of the lights at her house are off, including hers.

Maybe she's sleeping, I think, but the closer I get, I hear nothing coming from her room.

Panicked, I run faster. As I get to the side of the house, I jump up to her window and saw that she wasn't in her bed. I roughly open up the window, almost shattering it in the process but I didn't care. I had to find out where she was.

"Sah'nai," I called out, my voice breaking.

Where is she? I thought, falling to my knees.

I jumped back out of the window, closing it and walked towards the front door and knocking. They had to know where she was and I had to know now because it felt like my heart was about to explode,

Please don't let her be-

"Aiden," Sah'nai's mom Alana said surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"Where is she?" I asked.

"She's at Rhianan's. They're having a sleepover," Alana said quickly as she heard the desperation and despair in my voice.

I exhaled in relief.

"I thought," I say but stop myself. "I haven't talk to her in a few days," is what I said instead.

"Yeah, she felt better and we decided that she needed to have some time out of the house."

"Okay. Thank you," I say, turning around to walk off the porch.

"She should be home by tomorrow afternoon at the latest, if you still want to see her," Mrs. Huntley called out making me turn to face her.

"Thank you. I'll be around tomorrow," I say and with a wave I'm off and once she shuts the front door I'm running again. Instead in the direction of Rhianan's house.

-----Sah'nai POV-----

I was having the most fun that I'd had in a long time. We did each other's hair- well I did Rhianan's because the rest of my hair was tucked into a hat- we also did our make up and painted each others nails. We had girl talk and I listened to horror talk. Horror talk was me listening to Rhianan as she told me about what her and my brother had been up to. Apparently they'd taken their relationship to the next level and I never felt more disgusted in my life. There was nothing as bad as listening to my best friend tell me about her sexual relations with my brother. But being the good friend that I am, I listened but stopped her when she tried to go into detail. The most that I would let her tell me is why they decided to finally make that next step and how comfortable my brother made her. I couldn't hear anything else after that, so we just switched to watching movies.

We watched every genre of movie that we could find. We'd watched comedy, romance, action and even science fiction. We were currently watching a horror movie about a couple stranded on a deserted island, only for them to find out that there were others on the island trying to kill them. I had to say it was honestly the stupidest movie that I'd ever watched and I only tolerated it because I picked the last movie that we'd watched. Rhianan was a sucker for horror movies while I had a hard time sleeping that same night. I never told her how much of a scary cat I was, but I had a feeling that she knew.

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