Ch. 36

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Frankie's P.O.V 

I was all fired and ready. So we're the others. We all knew this would be the end for either me or Sam. But I wasn't prepared to die tonight, so i hope he was. I weren't prepared to lose everything I had. Nor was i prepared to have my baby grow up without a father. Or Sophie be left on her own. I swear as soon as this was over i'm going to marry her. I promise that if I make it out alive, i'm going straight to a shop and buying a ring. Then we can live a perfect life, without Sam's intrusions. Without her dad turning her against me. Without the reminders of Axel, Jamie and the horrible past.

We'll be happy, I promised myself.

We carried on downstairs and into the car, to the set destination and my anger was rising quickly. Which in my books was a good thing. The more anger I had, meant the more people I get to hit. And more reason to blow Sam's head off.

"We'll be there soon." Charlie told me, as we sped down the road.

I looked out of the windshield and smiled. I hope Sam was prepared for a beating.  As well with Axel. My head was filled with what the guys said earlier. About how he helped when I was in my coma. But I didn't see it like that. Axel only did shit for his own personal gain. Never any one else's. His help was never sincere unless it was also helping him.

Everyone and anyone who got in my way of protecting Sophie and my baby was sure to die tonight.

No matter who it was.

My phone vibrated in my pocket, telling me I had a text and I pulled it out to check who it was.

{From: Ryan}

We're surrounding the place. Just waiting for you guys.

Now that I knew the rest of my crew were there, I wanted to get there as fast as I could. I couldn't wait for it to begin. For this to be over. And for me to let some of this held in anger out.

"You ready boys?" Peter asked, smirking.

"Fuck yeah. Let's kill some bitches." Mickey replied and we chuckled.

"Leave Sam and Axel to me." I told them, making sure they wouldn't accidentally steal my kill. 

They all nodded to confirm they wouldn't. 

"I think you should re-think killing Axel." Peter said. 

"Fine. I'll consider not shooting him when my guns pressed against his head, okay?" 

"That's good enough for me." He shrugged and we all laughed. 

"We're here." Charlie informed us, making the laughter immediately stop. 

Mickey's P.O.V 

I gulped at Charlie's words, whilst the rest of them had their game faces on. I was scared. Pissed off and scared. They had all done this before, whereas me. Well, they normally kept me out of it to protect me. I usually did the drug deals, the small beat downs or stealing stashes. Never a full on war between the two most powerful gangs in this area. It was honestly terrifying. Most people would say I had a death wish, which to be honest I was thinking that myself. 

"Mickey, get out the car. C'mon man." Jack told me, and I realised they had all gotten out. 

"Um, yeah. Okay." I said and done as he told me. 

"Look, I know you're scared. But it's going to be okay. We got you. Nothing bad gonna happen to you." Frankie reassured me. 

I nodded and felt my phone vibrate.

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