Beautiful Memories: Finale

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"Hi baby, I'm you mommy." I held her tiny hand with my fingers and leaned forward to kiss her forehead. "You're so beautiful Winter-rose, so beautiful." I brushed her cheek slightly and smiled down at her as she whined quietly like a small puppy.

"Would you like to cut the cord Sebastian?" Philip asked as he put the two clamps side to side of the umbilical cord but left a space in between as he instructed Sebastian to cut in the middle with a special scissor.

The nurse clam the stump and wrapped her up again. "Aw, she's so beautiful, congratulations." The nurse cooed as she stared down at the baby. "Well, now the other baby." I nodded my head at the nurse as I caressed Winter-rose slightly.

Sebastian leaned down and placed a kiss on her temple. "She's beautiful just like you." He kissed me on the lips and stared at our baby as she slowly blinked her eyes open, not familiar with the light and scrunched up her nose as she whined quietly. "She has your eyes, beautiful golden eyes."

"Ay! The other one is pushing down there." The nurse took the baby over and went away with her. "Where is she taking her? Where is my baby?" I slurred out my words and breathed out heavily as I rolled my head around feeling lightheaded, my heart clopping hard against my rib cage.

"Sh, she's just going to clean her up and put some warm clothes on her." Sebastian replied as he leaned down to kiss my forehead, his fingers brushing my hair away from my face. "You're doing great." I nodded my head at him with eyes closed as a ghostly smile appeared on my face. "Yes, I'm doing great." I licked my dry lips and pushed my upper body up as I felt pressure between my legs and the need to push.

Sebastian gave me both of his hands and I gripped his forearms as the pain hit me, making me grunt loudly as I pushed hard. "Good, another push soon after that." I squeezed Sebastian's forearms and pushed hard, fighting the pressure.

I gasped loudly as I relaxed once again, leaning on the bed breathing heavily. "You're doing great baby, you can do this. We're almost done." I shot my eyes closed as I hovered over in pain and squeezed his forearms hard, putting pressure to help me ease some of the pain I was feeling.

"Yes! I can see your baby girl. Now push!" I sat up with Sebastian's help and brought my knees towards me as I pushed with the contraction, feeling as the baby slowly made her way out. "Yes! Come on!"

I squeezed Sebastian's hand hard as I pressed it down, my fingers clasping around his as I gritted my teeth and pressed my eyes close "Ah!" I gritted out with a grunt in a repetitive way and took some air again to push. "Ay!"

"She's coming yes, yes yes and she's out. I can see her head now." I pantingly breathed out as I took a short rest, my chest heaving up and down as I licked my lips. I blinked the black dots away from my vision and tried to stay focus, I can't faint right now.

"She has dark hair, how is it even possible?" Sebastian asked as he looked down at my probably gigantic vagina and I tried to peek between my legs. Oh my God! That's one ugly vagina, so big and oh my God. I think I need to lay down for a bit.

"It's rare but still common to have twins with different hair colors, their eyes might be different too but they'll still look exactly alike." Philip replied to Sebastian's question and I shot him a glare. Did he think that I cheated or something?

"I was just asking." He said knowingly and I pouted slightly in my pain, my hands curling and uncurling as I breathed in and out. "Hold my hands." Sebastian told me and I snatched his wrists as I shot my eyes closed, my mouth sucking on my bottom lip and my teeth grazing slightly.

I slumped down on the bed as I felt a relief washed over me and a full blown cry. The nurse gave Philip towels and he quickly washed off all the blood and other stuff from the water she was in and gave her to the nurse to place her in between my breasts.

The Heart Wants What It Wants *Completed* (Old Version) Being renewedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ