"She's two times my age," he says waving his hand dismissively.

"Really?" I asked with a grin. "I thought it was the other way around."

Aiden just laughs, which makes me smile wider at his beautiful face, because I know I wouldn't see him smile again for a while after this. He makes my stomach flutter and my heart burst. I really did love this boy. Or should I say man seeing as he's over one hundred years old. Which makes me think about something.

"Hey, I'm dating an old man," I say laughing.

"Watch it. I am a vampire and I do bite," he says showing his fangs.

The nurse walking through our curtain, stops me from making a statement and I turn to smile at her after sticking my tongue out at Aiden.

"Hello, sweetheart, how are you feeling today?" nurse Jackie asked coming into the room, a tray and IV stand rolling in behind her.

"I'm okay," I said. "This is my boyfriend Aiden Chase."

"Hello. I've been Sah'nai's nurse ever since she started here. She never mentioned a boyfriend."

"Really?" Aiden asked glancing at me and I frowned.

Don't take that as something bad Aiden, I say to him in my mind. I didn't mean anything by not talking about you.

"You ready for your IV?" Jackie asked, pulling out the needle and ripping off a piece of tape.

"Yeah," I answer watching her take a cotton swab of alcohol and rubbing it over my hand, before sticking the needle into the prominent blue vein at the top of my hand.

"Now are you ready for your last dose of this good stuff?" Jackie asked trying to make a joke out of it.

"If I can be done with this after today? Then yes," I replied, answering my own question.

Once the medicine was injected into the IV, Jackie left, shutting the curtain behind her and I turned to Aiden, taking his hand in mine.

"Things are going to get pretty nasty in about fifteen minutes and you won't see me as your pretty little girlfriend anymore," I say smiling, trying to make myself feel better and the mood lighter. "Just remember that I gave you plenty of chances to leave."

"It doesn't matter to me Sah'nai," Aiden says smiling. "I'll always see you as my Angel."

I brought my hands up to my face so that he couldn't see me cry. Why did he have to say things like that? Why did he have to be so sweet? Why did he make me love him so much, only for it to hurt me, himself and my family. I loved him so much my heart hurt.

"Sah'nai, shh, you don't have to cry," Aiden says wrapping his arms around me and holding me tight, which is just what I needed."Why are you crying?"

"I don't know," I say laughing.

"But you do know that I'll be there with you until the end, right? You can have make up running down your face, you could have bad breath, you could be wearing week old clothes and have horrible BO, but I will never leave your side. It's me and you until the end so you can get whatever reservations you have about me seeing you at your worse to the side and accept the fact that I love you, and I'm here until the end."

"You have a way with words, Mr. Chase," I say pulling back with a smile on my face.

"Only because I love you," he says grinning back, running his hand over my cheek.

"Can I have one kiss before I start getting sick?" I asked and for some unknown reason I was suddenly shy.

"Of course," Aiden says before smashing his lips down onto mine and I close my eyes, smiling into the kiss.

Forever To Be LovedWhere stories live. Discover now