Germany X Intimidating!Male Reader: Horror Movies (Lemon)

Start from the beginning

When he got back, the room was clean and spotless, like there was never a mess at all. He found _____ crouching down in front of the large flat screen TV, looking through stacks of movies in an compartment space under the TV. Germany blushed and looked away.

Your ass was stretching the fabric of the dark colored shorts, making you boxers nearly visible. Germany had to admit, you did have a nice ass.

'Vait vhat?!' He mentally screamed, did he just think that?! Nein, he couldn't have...

"Ah, here it is." _____ said, standing up with a DVD case in hand. "The Visit. Oh, Germany, you're back. Ready to begin the movie?" He asked, a childish smile on his face. Germany couched in his hand and shook his head, trying to get out the thought he had before of _____'s ass.

"Um j-ja."

______ laughed lightly, "Good, so lets started..." He said before placing the disc into the player...

~ Reader-Chan's POV ~

You were half-way through the movie, and you had to admit, it was a little scary. You and Germany had finished your beers in the first ten minutes, and drank the rest of the soda you had, and a small glass of vodka (that Germany didn't seem to like). Now there was nothing left to snack on except for the Birdsmilk cake you baked earlier, but you weren't hungry.

You couldn't help but notice how close Germany was to you know. At the beginning, you each sat at opposite ends of the couch away from each other. Now he was piratically sitting on top of you, his hand a few centimeters from yours. You didn't say anything, you didn't sound rude. And you sort of liked how close the German was to you.

Most nations would have been terrified to be close to you, or come to your house to watch a movie. So you were happy that someone had finally decided to come to your house, and to make it better, it was Germany. Mentioned before, you had a small crush on the German. But you don't know why. Was it the fact that he wasn't scared of you? Was it that he always tried to strike up a conversation when ever he saw you? Or maybe it was the Uke way he acted around you? You just didn't know...

You grunted as a certain blonde German cuddled into your side, trying to keep himself warm. He muttered something about "Vhy does it have to be so damn cold?"

You mentally smirked, gently throwing an arm across his broad shoulders and pulled him closer. Germany looked up at you, but you didn't notice, you kept your dark (e/c) eyes on the television. Germany blushed.

'Ve're are just friends right? Then how come I feel so warm inside?' He asked himself, snuggling into the side of your chest. 'He's so warm...' He thought, his eyes slowly becoming heavy. He tried to stay awake, his blue orbs focused the TV, but he couldn't stay awake.
As soon as his eyes fluttered shut, a scream erupted from the television, making him jump in surprise. He landed on something warm and firm, a pair of arms wrapping around his waist. When Germany opened his eyes, he found you staring back.
Both of your faces were set ablaze, both of you looking away in embarrassment. "I'm sorry _____, I didn't mean to-!"

The German was cut off by a pair of lips, the lips belonging to you. Germany was surprised, tensing up before relaxing, his eyes sliding shut as he slowly began kissing back. Your own fluttering shut as you tightened your grip around his waist. Your lips soon fell into to sink, your tongue sneakily entering Germany's mouth the was open slightly.
The faint taste of beer and vodka danced on your tongue. You explored every inch of the cavern, making sure to leave nothing untouched.
"Mmph...!" Germany pulled away for air, panting heavily as he breathed in the sweet tasting air. He rested his forehead against yours, his blue orbs half open as they gazed into yours.
Your darker (e/c) bored into his, a feeling of deep want beginning to burn to your stomach. You wanted to to hear him yell you wanted to hear him plead, you wanted to make Germany yours.

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