"You know how girls tell their best friends everything? I'll give you one guess as to who Lana's is," I see him make the connection and then he starts to back up.

"Wait, wait, wait. It wasn't like that," he starts.

"She caught you having sex with Caroline in her house! In her own bed, Tyler. How is it not like that?"

"I-I can explain," he stutters. He can, but he won't have time. I swing my fist and it hits him in the jaw. Tyler comes at me but I give him an aneurism.

"She's been at my house. She cried herself to sleep because of you. The only reason I haven't killed you yet is because she loved you." I kick him in the face. Then anger overtakes me and I beat him senseless. I leave him alive, for now.

Lana's POV

When I wake up again Kai is just getting into the house.

"Kai," I mumble, wiping the sleep from my eyes.

"Hey. I brought breakfast," he holds out a bag from McDonald's. No wonder he took so long. The closest one to here is like, an hour away.

He hands me a chocolate milkshake and an Egg McMuffin. I start eating it.

"Hot, hot, hot," I yell, fanning my tongue as if that would help. Kai just watches me and laughs.

"Well thanks," he winks at me.

"Shut up," I push on his shoulder.

"Go ahead and eat," he pulls out something and starts eating it.

"Thank you, Kai. You didn't have to do that," I try to smile, but it probably looks like a grimace.

"I wanted to," he says, looking up at me. Once we finish eating we go into the living room and chill on the couch.

He picks up my shake and I reach out for it. "Give it back and no one gets hurt," I threaten him. That is my shake. Don't come between me and it or you'll probably end up on the wrong side of a knife.

"I'm so scared," he laughs.

"Give it," I reach out, across us both. "Kai," I laugh. I reach out further and fall on him.

"Do you really want it back that badly," he asks.

"Yes. Now hand it over," I tell him, putting out my hand, expecting him to hand me my drink. Instead cold, wet globs of milkshake are dumped over my head and I scream. It's cold!

"I'll kill you," I laugh.

"I'd love to see you try," he smirks.

"Gross," I mumble. I walk to his room and look in the drawer of my stuff. Don't judge me ok? We've been inseparable for years. I grab some clothes and head for the bathroom.

"I'm guessing you're taking a shower," I scramble to wrap myself in the towel.

"Oh my god, Kai," I freak out. What the hell? Why wouldn't he knock? "Get out," I push him toward the door. Once he's out, I lock the door.

Quickly I wash my hair and everything else...

"Malachai Parker! GIVE ME MY CLOTHES!" Why? Why would he do this?

Kai's POV

She screams about me giving her her clothes back. But as long as she's not thinking about that pathetic waste of space, it's fine with me.

Lana's POV

After what seems like forever of me standing in the bathroom Kai finally gives me my clothes back. "Numbskull," I mutter under my breath.

"Excuse me," he raises an eyebrow.

"Did I stutter," he smirks.

"I'm rubbing off on you," he chuckles. I quickly get dressed and head downstairs. We settle on the couch and watch something. To be honest I'm not really watching TV. I'm thinking about why Tyler would cheat on me with Caroline.

Someone knocks on the door.

"I'll get it," I get up and open it. "Who are you," I ask the blonde with wild curly hair.

"I came to see my brother. Unfortunately my boyfriend had a little accident with him last night," she says. This is Liv?

"Kai, someone's here for you," I look into the living room.

"What Olivia," he asks.

"What did you do to Tyler," Tyler? No, there has to be another Tyler in this town.

"Tyler? Tyler Lockwood?" I ask quietly.

"Yeah. We've been together for months." I flinch away from her. She's been with him for months? "Why," she asks.

"He was my boyfriend for three years. Until last night, when I caught him having sex with Caroline in my bed," I explain. Liv reacts like I expected.

*Time skip*

Tyler walks into my house after I sent him an 'I want to talk' message.

"Hey Tyler," all three of us say at once.

"What are you all doing here," he asks. He tries to back away and go for the door, but Liv uses her magic to lock it.

"Which girlfriend do you want to talk to first," I sneer, disgusted with him.

"This is-" his head snaps to the side.
Caroline and I look to Liv. She shakes her head, she didn't do it.

"Kai," I groan. "We were handling it," I tell him.

"Sorry," he's behind me. I turn and look at him through narrowed eyes.

"How did you even get in here," I ask.

"Cloaking spell," he shrugs.

"As adorable as this," Caroline gestures between us," I'm leaving," she leaves and then Liv follows.

"What're we doing with his body," I ask. He'll wake up soon enough.

"Bury it?" He asks.

Kai Parker One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now