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**I just found this pic. OMG! Amazing I just had to. Minato is one of my two all-time faves (other Itachi). I am so obsessed with this because in KHR, besides Alaudi, Giotto is my top.**

"Um...hello?" Tsuna said. 

Instantly, Reborn was back to being normal. "Well, that was...interesting." 

Tsuna wondered if he was horrible enough to awe and make Reborn think he was interesting.

Luce had other opinions. "Interesting? Interesting?! How can you say that?!" Tsuna closed his eye's waiting for the insults. "He was amazing! Awesome! Beautiful! He could be the best next to Giotto I've ever seen!"

Tsuna's face was burning, he held up his hands in surrender and tried to rebut the praise, "I'm not good. I haven't even played for a year!"

Luce ran in front of Tsuna and grabbed his hands in hers and begged, "Join the University Tsuna."

Said boy looked bewildered and dumbstruck, "Pardon...?"

"The University! Join the University!"

Luce just looked so damn hopeful that Tsuna gave a "Yes..." without thinking. Looking over at his brother for help he saw Giotto still dazed until he looked back at him with shimmering joy and... Pride?

"You should Tsuna. Oh, right, you already agreed." Giotto humored which annoyed Tsuna.

"Gio-nii!" He exclaimed indignantly. "Sorry, Luce-san, but I don't think I can."

Luce started pouting and put her hands on her hip as she demanded, "Why?"

Tsuna just gave a sad smile as he wondered if it was okay to say it. "Well, when I met my doctor before coming here... He said my health will only remain healthy for another year and a half... Probably two if I'm lucky until it turns for the worst." Tsuna watched in grief as his brother stared at him horrified when he staggered as Luce and Reborns face went still.

A moment later Giotto passed out.

"Gio-nii!!" He ran towards him as Reborn caught him before the blonde's head hit the desk and carried him to the sofa. Luce followed right after as she came from her musings.

"He's unconscious but he's still suffering from shock," Reborn said as he checked his eyes and pulse. Not a moment later, a yellow glow came out of his hands and covered Giotto's body. Tsuna was too concerned to care of what could only be called magic.

After five minutes of waiting, Giotto finally stirred awake and Reborn cut of his yellow flames. "Gio-nii," Tsuna said as he watched his brother sit up and slowly rubbing his temple.

"Tsuna..." Giotto whispered.

"He has a headache but it will go away in a few seconds. His mind most likely shut down to process the shock." Reborn reported.

Tsuna looked at Reborn and steeled himself, "Umm... What were those... Y-yellow thing?"

The fedora-wearing drummer was quiet for a while until he answered, "Sun flames. I'll explain them to you later. For now, I think baka-Giotto needs to go to the nurse for further check-up." Accepting the response, Tsuna nodded and looked back to Giotto who was staring at him.

"Reborn... Can't Shamal do anything about this? Won't he be able to remove Tsuna's tumor?" Giotto asked hopefully after a moment of silence. 

Reborn just lowered his fedora and coated his hand in yellow flames and hovered it above Tsuna's head. He shook his head; "I don't think so. Shamals mosquitoes are to help with countering diseases and illnesses." There was a pause with Giotto's and Luce's fallen faces before he added in a whisper, "It can't remove any tumors and stuff that are already inoperable." 

To lift the tense atmosphere a bit, Luce said, "I'll call Shamal anyway. There must be something he could do to help with Tsuna's conditions or just lengthen his time."

"I think that's a good idea." Giotto agreed. Luce went to call the doctor. When she opened the door, she saw the Primo and Neo-Primo standing outside the door with unknown expressions. "You guys?" Luce raised a brow in question.

G was the one to answer, "We felt Reborn use his flames. We were worried since it came from here... until we heard what you were talking about." He then bowed along with Gokudera who said with G, "We're sorry! We didn't mean to listen in."

Giotto stood next to Luce and gave a reassuring smile, "Its fine, I've known you guys for years. I trust you enough that I don't give a damn if you listen in on anything I talk about anyway."

"Kufu, oh really. My, we're so grateful." Mukuro sounded mocking but everyone else knew it was true what he said.

"Is your brother okay!" Ryohei practically yelled and his own older brother, knuckle told him to quiet down. Of course, even after years of trying to get him to quiet down it never worked, but Knuckles was just too much of a priest to believe he can do it.

Meanwhile, Giotto sighed. "I'm getting too much bad news today." Many agreed as some didn't say anything like Hibari and his older brother Alaudi, who stared at the lingering brunette left in the room.

"Omnivore," Hibari said and Alaudi looked over to him.

"Hn?" Alaudi asked when Hibari continued;

"Sawada Tsunayoshi, another omnivore."

Luce instantly brightened up and corrected him, "No, not omnivore. He's a carnivore. You should've seen him play the violin, it was on par with me and Giotto. You could literally feel the emotions coming from the music!"

"Then he should join the University if he's that good. He could start his career." Asari said and Luce agreed as well as Takeshi with Ryohei and Knuckle.

"Didn't you hear that he can't, you flute-freak!" G stated.

"Maa~ but he could still let people hear his music. And Luce-san, weren't you going to call Shamal-san?" Yamamoto countered.

"Oh right, I'll be right back."

Daemon turned to Giotto who was still rubbing his head, "You should make your office soundproof."

"True. If that level of volume could get through the door then I should."

"Reborn said you need to go to the nurse, so go," Knuckles ordered.


"Go." G finalized.

Giotto looked back to Tsuna who nodded his agreement. Sighing one last time, he heads to the recovery room downstairs. For the tenth time, silence reigned over as the rest and Tsuna stared at each other.

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