A bit of nostalgia

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Even after the fighting stopped, the arguments went on. But, right now, Tsuna had no time to think about that or the fact that Nana and Iemitsu ran away, as he was brought to Giotto's office and had to deal with his brothers' excruciating gaze. He never knew his brother could be this... Scary. Fortunately, Reborn gave the brothers space or Tsuna would've figuratively died minutes ago.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Giotto started.

"I already t-told you." Was the response from the brunette. Giotto sighed as he rubbed his forehead.

'This isn't how I wanted our reunion to be.' He thought bitterly. Knowing your brother has such a fatal disease, which meant there would come a day where he'd have to see his little brother on a deathbed when he wasn't meant to pass on first... To learn that only a few moments ago was not how he wanted this day to be. He would've cried... No, sobbed for the whole day, suffocating in depression if not for Reborns mental training.

"I know but Tsuna... You're more important." He tried but Tsuna had a response.

"I may be more important than that but you worked for this for years." Tsuna fiddled with his cuffs nervously, but his voice remained steady. "To me, supporting you in your work with the time I have is as important to me as I am to you Gio-nii." The conviction in his voice was clear, but Giotto's heart still clenched terribly. He wanted to be with his brother now more than ever, yet his brother wished for him to continue being away so he could complete his goal.


Does Tsuna have a goal? He asked just that.

Tsuna looked solemnly into his brother's eyes and answered, "Well... I did want to go to Vongola University after you were accepted. I even learned how to play the violin." Tsuna looked down at his fidgeting hands. "But I can't do that anymore. Now I want to support you." Tsuna said laughing as he gave a thumbs-up to Giotto who just sat back and listened to his brother's claim.

"You play the violin?" A voice said from out of nowhere making Tsuna and Giotto jump. Their eyes landed on a woman in a white robe, a single leaf tattoo under her eye. Tsuna couldn't help but think she was beautiful. "Sorry, I must have scared you." She laughed.

"You should have knocked," Giotto replied with a hand on his chest.

The woman just continued to smile, her attention going back to Tsuna. "You must be Tsunayoshi. Giotto kept talking about you non stop ever since he first arrived years ago."

Giotto made a noise of indignation.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Luce." She put her hand out for a shake.

Taking her hand, Tsuna, with his own smile, responded, "Sawada Tsunayoshi."

Retracting her hand, Luce cupped her face and blushed, "Oh god, that smile just makes you more gorgeous."

Tsuna blushed back and they stayed like that with Luce fangirling when Reborn walked in. "Luce, I'm going to murder Skull if he doesn't shut up."

"Why? What's he doing?"

Reborn leaned on the door frame with his arms crossed. "He's running around yelling that his pet octopus is missing. Again."

Luce chuckled and said "I'll be right back" to the rest and left. 

The silence was conquering the room until Reborn asked Tsuna, "Is your health alright?"

Giotto continued to stare at the fedora-wearing demon from hell stupified. "You're being uncharacteristically kind." He commented suspiciously.

Reborn only shadowed his eyes. Not a minute later, Luce returned just as she did before, scaring the two brothers. Reborn only shook his head. "I'm sorry, I scared you again." She chuckled.

"You're doing that on purpose aren't you Luce-sensei?" Giotto whined.

Luce focused on Tsuna. "You play the violin?" She asked again. Tsuna nodded making Luce brighten up. She started clapping her hands and exclaimed, "That's so great! I play the violin too! You know, being the Sky Arcobaleno and all."

"Eh, you're the Sky Arcobaleno?" Tsuna asked not really too surprised.

"You know the Idiots and not us?" Asked Reborn.

"Well, I was interested in who the Arcobaleno were, but I was caught up by watching Gio-nii's performances. There's so much. The only reason I know the others is because they're introduced to the program." Tsuna replied. The Arcobaleno's never made appearances with them.

Giotto scratched his head in embarrassment, "You watched my performances?"

Tsuna rolled his eyes and said, "Of course I do. Listening to you play kinda makes me forget reality." Tsuna chuckled uneasily.

"Ah! Will you play for us Tsunayoshi-Kun?" Luce cut in.

Tsuna quickly shook his head and waved his arms quickly. "No, no, no. Sorry, Luce-san, but I haven't played in a year. I probably suck. And I - I never played in front of people before so I don't know-"

Before he knew it, Tsuna was standing in front of his brother's mahogany desk with two smiling faces and a smug smirk worn by none other than Reborn sitting on the other end. Looking down, he had a Violin in his hand. 'Reborn!' He yelled in his head as Luce and Giotto kept nagging him to play.

Resigning with a weak sigh, he proceeded to place the violin on his left shoulder with his chin placed on the chin-rest. Raising the bow, he hovered it above the four strings of the instrument and calmed his mind.

'Just imagine standing in my room.

Alone, with the bright crescent moon shining in.

Giving me that light of eternal bliss.

Just me and my violin.'

Tsuna already started playing. At the end of his thought, his mind went blank as he could only hear the music coming from it. A melody expressed his thoughts from a moment ago, showing the others he's in eternal bliss in his dreams, with nothing wrong. Just him and his violin.

Suddenly his rhythm became faster, his music rougher, leaving the rest to wonder what he's thinking now.

For Tsuna, he had a flashback to the time he first had a seizure, the compressing feeling of having his body being torn apart. Slowly, he slowed his bow and the music got softer, kinder, as he then proceeded to have an image of his brother performing on stage. A smile blissfully came upon his lips, as he watched his brother bow to the crowd of a satisfied audience and leave the stage satisfied himself.

The bow came to a stop when he was done, leaving the last image to turn dark in the back of his head as he opened his eyes to three awestruck and dazed faces.

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