Chapter Ten: Percy Jackson and his Horrendously Embarrassing Family

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Percy sat watching the clock, as if his mere staring at it would force time to pass faster. But of course, sadly, it did nothing and the most embarrassing meal he's ever had ploughs on.

He loves his family, he really does but they can be a little hard to understand. His mother and father, Sally and Poseidon loved each other madly but they just weren't meant to be and they ended up divorcing when Percy was just ten years old. Not that it stopped them from being very close friends. His step-mother Aphrodite met his father just under four years ago and they tied the knot last year. Aphrodite and Sally are incredibly close, which Percy found really odd but it meant that he basically had three parents who love him a lot so he wasn't complaining.

His full siblings were Reyna, Hylla and Tyson. Reyna was just a year younger then him while Hylla was five at twenty-two and had already left home. Tyson's only nine and with one eye but he's just about the sweetest creature Percy's ever encountered. His step-sisters Silena and Piper are very different then his full sisters, Silena being rather girly in comparison to Reyna, Hylla and Piper but still tough and nails. Piper on the other hand, is something else. They got on the best when they first met but about six months ago Piper started spending time with the cliché popular crowd at school, and she decided that these new found friends came before Percy.

They didn't really look at each other these days and Aphrodite was always trying to get them to reconnect, but when your own sister is silently going along with the cruel homophobic jokes and jeers your friends make at you, it's a bit hard to have a casual conversation at dinner.

Though Nico, didn't exactly get the no eye contact memo because he was staring Piper down with a glare that would melt iron, and she was giving him one right back. Making them sit opposite each other had not been the wisest of moves.

"Percy?" He turns to his younger brother, the cheesy pirate eye patch covering his lost one, that single big brown staring happily up at him.

"Yeah, Ty?" Percy asks, Tyson giggles quietly, Percy barely hears him over the noise of Silena, Reyna and Sally having a loud discussion about different sweets.

"Is that your boyfriend?" He whispers, Percy has no idea how Nico hears his little brother since he's on Percy's other side and having such an intense stare down with Piper, not that staring makes much noise but for some reason they seem to be doing it loudly. Percy looks and Nico, and he's caught like a fish in those black eyes, a little twinkle of something he doesn't recognise behind them.

"I've had enough." Piper announces loudly, she pushes her chair out, it scrapes along the floor making Nico visibly wince and then she storm upstairs.

"Wonder what gotten into her." Poseidon muses, Percy shrugs but he knows very well what's up.

"Is she alright?" Sally says, glancing up the stairs, wanting to race up there and comfort her.

"Hormones probably, we'll talk to her later, let her cool down." Aphrodite says patting Sally's hand, the other woman nods in agreement then goes back to her lunch of homemade chicken and pesto pasta.

"So tell us about yourself Nico." Aphrodite continues, the tables eye all to turn to Nico and Percy feels a small bubble of horror rise up inside him. They're all looking at him and he knows that Nico doesn't like attention, oh god.

"Ah well, I live in the outskirts of town with my two sisters." Nico says smoothly, Percy takes a very large mouthful of food in all his supportive glory because he already knows all of this.

"Just your sisters?" Sally asks, Nico nods.

"My older sister Bianca is twenty-seven, she and her spouse legally adopted myself and my other sister Hazel when she turned eighteen. Our parents died when she was fourteen." Nico explains quietly, fiddling absentmindedly with his fork.

"Oh you poor things." Aphrodite gasps, and even though he doesn't say out loud, not growing up with any parents is a foreign thing to him, he practically had three.

"No we've been alright, we have a lot of close friends and Bianca is a great mother." Nico smiles lightly, Percy watches his entire family smile back. Nico's got one of those smiles that just lightens up a room, makes one forget about their trouble and become happier even if it's just for a second.

The rest of the meal is spent in light chatter, Percy spends half of it horrified because Reyna starts lecturing Nico on weapons training and then Aphrodite and Silena start gossiping about his jacket and hair and it's all so embarrassing but that's because they're family, they're supposed to be embarrassing and that's okay...most of the time.

After lunch Percy somehow finds himself in his bedroom with Nico staring at his gigantic fish tank, complete with an electric eel, puffer fish and hundreds of coloured ones. Percy sits on his hastily made bed, watching his fish as well, mildly thinking over how their tank really needs a clean.

"You like fish?" Nico laughs lightly and turns to face him, interrupting his thoughts, Percy flushes and nods.

"I always have, there's just something about water and marine life, and I've always loved them. Felt a personal connection, oh gods that sounds stupid." Percy buries his face in his hands and blushes right to the tips of his ears. He senses something move in front of him as a pair of hesitant hands grab his wrists and remove them from his face.

Nico's beautiful black eyes and staring into his own, "it's not stupid, when we feels so alone in the world, we can find peace in things that others can deem as odd." Percy smiles gently at him, liking the warmth of Nico's hands against his wrists.

And then he's leaning closer and so is Nico, he can feel Nico's breath and they're so close.

A large body slams into Percy and sends him toppling backwards as a sloppy tongue gives him hundreds of kisses. Percy pushes the creature away and blushes, Nico's laughing softly at him. Lupa, his big German Sheppard is standing on his chest, looking down at him with big innocent eyes.

"I don't recall this family member from lunch." Nico says as Mrs O'Leary trots in the room and nudges Nico until he gives her a pat.

Percy sighs over dramatically, "This is Lupa, and you've already met Mrs O'Leary." Nico looks to the bigger, black dog and seems to almost be talking to her while Lupa gives him another kiss and wags her tail happily.

He looks her at her and she almost grins back at him, she pauses and then licks him again.

Me: *goes to update Black Magic*

Me: *glances nervously at other books that need updating*

Me: *sweats*


Me: *runs to the safety of Black Magic*

I'm sorry other books but Black Magic is my favourite book I've ever written, I have this scene in my head that I feel the need to reach or I'll die an unfulfilled life if I don't. Like honestly, when I'm bored at school, I go over every detail of this book and imagine all the scenes I intend to happen. AND MY FRIEND WONDERS WHY I WANT TO PUT MYSELF IN THIS! You know when you start to obsess over something? And you want to live in that fictional universe? Yeah well, I have that problem BUT INSTEAD IT'S WITH THIS UNIVERSE.

Please send help.


But on a new note; lookie, lookie! New cover! What do you think?

THIS CHAPTER IS DEDICATED TO jungle321jungle for just being awesome and reading so much of my crap, I can't thank you enough, I love you, your amazing please never stop being awesome!

Love Percy xx

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