“You absolute beast! You’ve got skills mate.” Liam conceded as he gave the teen in front of him a squeeze on the arm. “I’m running out of ideas to challenge you Zayn.”

“I’m sure you can think of something.” Zayn smiled wickedly.

Once again, Liam found himself thinking of how to step things up a notch. Zayn has managed to guess all of the flavours he tasted correctly and only a few ice cream buckets were left unopened. “What else can I do?” he pondered.

As the gears within Liam’s mind turned faster and faster his brown eyes studied the dark haired boy perched on the counter. There was no trace of styling products on Zayn’s hair today, allowing his smooth, shiny and black hair to fall naturally.  He was wearing a white cotton shirt with a wide v-neck, exposing the slender curves of his neck. Liam could also clearly see the toned muscles on the other boy’s arms as he used both his hands to lean on the kitchen counter. What drew Liam’s attention the most, however, were Zayn’s pair of wet, rosy lips.

Liam grinned roguishly.

The Wolverhampton teen opened one of the few remaining untested tubs of ice cream. He then took a small lump of it and held it before Zayn’s slightly parted lips.

“Here you go Zayn.”

Zayn opened his mouth and instantly tasted the sweet creamy treat, and something else that was warm and hard. As he closed his mouth he realised that Liam wasn’t feeding him with the paddle pop stick any longer, but with his finger instead. Zayn sucked gently on the receding digit in his mouth, evoking a slight gasp from Liam.

Zayn chuckled. “I didn’t quite taste that properly Li, mind if I have a go at it again?”

“Sure.” Liam replied playfully with his deep, seductive voice.

After a few seconds Zayn felt the familiar chill of the ice cream on his tongue, but this time around Liam delivered it through the mound of the palm closest to the thumb. Zayn swirled his tongue on Liam’s palm greedily, giving it a soft kiss before Liam withdrew it.

“Nah, I still have no idea what flavour that is. Give me one more chance Li.”

It took Liam longer than usual to indicate to Zayn that the sample was ready for tasting. When he did, instead of feeling the cold embrace of the ice cream spreading in his mouth as it melted, he felt something smooth and supple brush against his lips.

Liam’s lips.

Liam parted his lips slightly, allowing the thawed cream to flow into Zayn’s inviting mouth. Once every drop of it was in the dark haired boy’s mouth Liam began to pull away, but Zayn stopped him by holding his face on both sides with his cool hands.

“I need more.” Zayn whispered.

Slowly but surely, he pulled Liam towards him and pressed their lips together, keeping his hands resting on the younger boy’s face. He began to kiss Liam gently, steadily, smiling inwardly as he elicited a moan from the younger boy. Zayn broke the kiss and left the smallest of gaps between them. He could feel Liam’s warm breath on his skin. Zayn slipped his tongue out and slowly licked Liam’s lips with its tip. He felt every smooth curve and contour of the lighter haired boy’s lips. It was then and there that Liam lost whatever sense of control he had left and allowed the overwhelming desire within his body to take over.

Ziam (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now