Louis slaps Liam playfully on the arm, and then Zayn comes out of nowhere and shoulders Louis away and slings his arm around Liam. Liam pushes him off with a laugh, but Zayn frowns at him. “I was saving you!”

Louis gives him the finger and then bounds off to wake up Harry. Liam playfully shoves Zayn, still too hyped up to sit still. He’s got too much energy, had drunk way too many coffees, and just standing there is making him restless.

Zayn shoves him back, and then suddenly Zayn’s got him in a headlock. Liam bites his arm gently-- it’s the only thing he can do-- and Zayn releases him, nose wrinkled up.

“Did you just bite me?” Zayn demands, eyes wide.

Liam grins. “Maybe.”

“Think you’re the only one who can play dirty, Payne?” Zayn asks, and there’s a complete change in him. His voice is lowered, his eyes are still filled with mischief, but there’s something else there, too. He steps slowly towards Liam, and Liam’s pretty sure Zayn is about to pounce on him like he’s a lion, and Liam is his helpless freaking pray, which is just ridiculous; Liam is larger than Zayn, and stronger.

Zayn grabs Liam by both sides of his face roughly, and he’s smirking as he pulls Liam closer to him. At the last second Liam lets his eyes fall closed and he waits for Zayn’s lips to press against his. They never do, because Zayn kisses him wet and sloppy on the cheek, and then pulls back, giggling.

“Zayn!” Louis shouts, and Zayn winks at Liam before running off in the direction of Louis’ voice.

Liam wipes his cheek and watches him go.


They’re in a dark, crowded bar. It’s made even more crowded by the amount of security they had with them but that couldn’t be helped. It wasn’t often that all of One Direction went out partying together. Sure, they all hung out with each other, and the other boys often paired off and went out, but rarely did they all go.

Louis is drunk already. Louis’s a nice drunk, though, all smiles and hugs and laughter. Sometimes Louis can be a bit cynical and hurtful with his jokes, but when he’s drunk he’s the exact opposite. He’s like a teddy bear.

Harry’s on his way to being wasted, too, but instead of being the clinging, loving drunk, Harry is all thrashing energy and intense looks. Every time Louis attempts to sneak off to dance with anyone, Harry is right there, pulling him back in with a possessive look on his face.

Niall and Zayn disappeared a bit ago to dance, but Zayn’s back now, and his cheeks are flushed. Unsurprisingly, Zayn is a flirtatious drunk.

“Lookin’ a bit tipsy there, Lou,” Zayn comments as he slips into their booth beside Liam. He waggles his eyebrows. “Want to come show me your moves on the dance floor?”

“No,” Harry answers for him, eyes narrowed.

“Oh, calm down,” Louis says to Harry, that grin still in place. When he’s like this, nothing can bring Louis down. “He’s just playing, Haz.”

“Always are, eh Zayn?” Liam comments. He’s had a few drinks. Not a lot, not as many as Louis, but enough that he feels warm and loose and the filter between his thoughts and his mouth isn’t working all that well.

“Not always,” Zayn tells him, and there he goes, putting his arm around Liam again. He pulls Liam in close. “Not joking with you.”

Liam snorts. “Sure.”

The music is loud but Zayn’s close enough to him that he can still hear his words over the thumping bass. Zayn leans in closer anyways, and Liam shivers when Zayn’s breath ghosts over his ear. “Come dance me with.”

Ziam (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now