He knew Zayn liked to party and get his drink on but it was becoming more and more often that his boyfriend of three years and madly in love with would go out almost every night to get trashed with Niall and Josh and come home extremely drunk and extremely annoying.

Liam loved Zayn with all his heart but sometimes it was hard to love someone and watch them drink themselves into a stupor so often. He knew Zayn loved him too, when Zayn was sober-which was a rarity nowadays-he was what you could call the perfect boyfriend. He was sweet, attentive, affectionate and always thought of Liam first.

But when Niall and Josh would call he’d leave Liam with a quick smooch and be out the door telling him to not wait up. Didn’t matter how many times he was told Liam couldn’t just go to bed alone and wonder and worry what Zayn was doing. He didn’t worry about him cheating on him at all because Zayn wasn’t a cheater. He had the means to-if you saw him you’d understand, he was a god on earth-but he was loyal and in love with Liam.

What did worry him was that one night he may not come home. That he would get behind the wheel of a car and end up dead on the road. Or he’d be rushed to the hospital and he wouldn’t know until it was too late and somehow Zayn died because of alcohol poisoning. Just something. That’s why Liam would sacrifice his nerves and sleep. Because he loved him.

It was nearing two in the morning and Zayn still wasn’t home. Usually he’d be back a little past midnight on most nights since he did have work the next day, he worked evening shifts at the office so he could at least sleep off most of his drunken haze. Liam wasn’t so lucky. He had to get up early and take the tube to the University so he could work in the admissions office.

He’d sacrifice his sleep or anything for Zayn just to make sure he was alright.

Speaking of the devil.

Zayn came in stumbling with Niall holding him up on one side and he shouted, “LIAM! HI BABY!” With a stupid grin on his face.

Even though Liam hated seeing his boyfriend like this he couldn’t stay mad with that face. He couldn’t really do anything. He was putty in Zayn’s hands.

“Niall, what did you do to him?” Liam chastised him as he pulled Zayn into his arms and the dark haired man nuzzled into his neck. He started kissing and nibbling on his throat and Liam cringed feeling how sloppy it felt and not to mention he smelled like liquor and sick.

“He tried to challenge me to a drinking contest. Irish always wins.” Niall winked and slurred out.

“Niall! Why would you even let him do that? You know he can’t handle it.” Liam was almost begging now. Zayn could die if he dared try to keep up with Niall. How that skinny little prat could hold so much liquor and still be coherent was a mystery.

“S’alright Li, he puked it up before we left. Have fun!” He waved and left the two standing near the door. Zayn was palming Liam through his pants and even though it did feel good, Liam didn’t want it. He didn’t want Zayn like this.

Yes, Zayn was beautiful and Liam thanked the stars he got someone so externally gorgeous. But he was also internally gorgeous as well, minus the alcohol.

Ziam (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now