The Beginning Of Something Incredible?

Start from the beginning

“But what, Calvin?” I asked. God, I wanted to hear this so incredibly bad.

“But, well, I don’t know. It’s just that I think you’re still hung up on Landon. Or maybe the thought of Landon, I’m not sure. You’ve not been broken up for an entire week yet, you know,” he said, releasing a long breath once he was finished speaking.

“Cal,” I said softly, actually remembering to call him by his preferred name, “Landon and I are finished, done. Everyone knows that. He’s probably moved on to the next shiny thing that’s caught his attention,” I paused, and Calvin did his best to hide a small smirk. “Regardless,” I continued, “it’s done and over; it’s no more. It’s best if him and I both got on with our lives.”

“It’s easy to say those words, Jenna, but let’s not kid ourselves, here. You were really hung up on that guy, for whatever the reasons. And less than a week removed from all of it, I would put money on the fact that you still are,” Calvin explained. 

Fighting to keep the panic down that was very seriously threatening to overtake my emotions, I took a long, deep breath before responding, “I’m not so sure, Cal.” I had wanted to say something awe-inspiring and heartwarming, but I fell extremely short of that, obviously.

“We’ll just wait and see, okay? See how things go, maybe?” he offered.

“Yeah, I guess so,” I said, feeling defeated. I thought things had been going so well not that long ago. What had happened? What had changed his mind and feelings so quickly? I had no idea.

“I’ll see you in the morning,” Calvin said, breaking the silence that had formed between us. 

“Okay,” I mumbled, feeling miserable. What the hell? How did this happen? Forcing myself to look him in the eye, his face was full of mixed emotions. His face looked like how my heart and mind felt. Swiftly, he leaned in and left a quick peck of a kiss on my cheek, and in one swift motion was turned and opening the driver’s door on his car and sliding inside.

“See you in the morning,” he smiled from inside.

“See you,” I replied softly, letting my fingertips find their way to where his lips had just been on my cheek, if for however briefly.

With another smile, the engine roared to life, and I heard the car’s transmission shift gears to reverse. Watching as he rolled backwards down my driveway in the car, he pointed it North, flipped on the headlights, shifted into Drive, and made his way down the quiet street. 

Stray tears made their way down my cheeks. Wiping them away with the back of my hand, I took a deep breath and made my way back into the house.

“Well, he seems like a sweet boy,” my mother said from her seat at the kitchen table. 

“Yeah, he is,” I said, flopping down onto the couch. The seat was still slightly warm from Calvin and I sitting on it not that long ago. A few fresh tears made their way down my face. 

“Honey, what’s wrong?” Mom asked. Within seconds she was at my side, sitting with me on the couch.

“Nothing,” I mumbled, covering my face with my hands. The tears were flowing freely now. 

“Nonsense. If there wasn’t anything wrong, you wouldn’t be crying and carrying on like you are,” she replied with a huff. “Did Calvin say something to you?” she asked, her hand lightly rubbing my back in the way that only mothers know how to do.

“Not really,” I managed between sobs.

“Well, something happened, or you wouldn’t be so upset,” she replied softly.

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