Second Chance

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Everyone was shocked when they heard the news: Andrea was killed. Jessica covered her mouth and tried to refrain from screaming. Like Iris, she, too, was shocked that Derek was a killer. Jessica always thought Derek was too full of himself, even though Iris didn't see it. Yet, she would've never imagined that he would go so far as to kill. Then, the thought of Rickon came to mind when he found Andrea dead. Jessica was still coming to grips with werewolves and his ex trying to kill her, but everything was going too fast. Also, knowing that Derek was on the loose and not afraid to kill anyone who stood in his way frightened her. It was also frightening that any of them could be next, Rickon included. Although Jessica was still angry with Rickon, she didn't want him to get hurt or killed. Her lips trembled as she tried to speak, but her throat felt dry. However, she gathered her strength, walked out of the house, and spoke. "I-Is Rickon okay? Wh-Where is he?"

Iris, Maverick, and Matthias looked at her. Laura, who stood beside her, was surprised that Jessica finally spoke. Yet, the Luna was relieved that Jessica was concerned about Rickon. "He is okay, Jessica. Rickon will be coming back to the pack." He then focused on Maverick and Iris. "Rickon asked some of the pack members to help him bring the body to Priestess Hecate to see what she died of. Also, to give her final rites before giving her a funeral." Matthias was getting frustrated at the situation; he wished that Xenon was honest initially. "Maverick, we must have an emergency meeting with the pack now. We can't keep them in the dark since we could be next."

Laura walked on forward. "I agree with you, my love, but Jessica and Iris should be in the meeting too. I think it's time that the pack know who they are. Also, we need some pack members to help guard them." Matthias nodded at his wife and was proud of her intelligence. 

"Um, why would Derek try to go after Jessica? It's me that he's after," asked Iris.

"Your ex is unpredictable, Iris. He might also go after Jessica to get to you. He knows that you care for her, so we have to think of the possibility."

Iris and Jessica felt and looked nervous. Maverick immediately went to his mate and held onto her tightly. "Are you sure you still want to do this?"

"Positive. I'm more determined than ever to bring Derek down. I just want us all to be at peace."

Maverick hoped she would change her mind, but he knew better. He was more determined than ever to protect her with his life. The Beta would not allow Derek to take her from him. Matthias, where is Rickon now?"

"He told me he and some of our pack are heading to Priestess Hecate. I'm going to head out there."

"I will go, too. Do you think we should call the entire pack to go to the meeting house?"

The Alpha nodded. "I will send word after our visit."

Jessica then stepped forward. "C-Can you tell Rickon that I want to talk to him?"

Everyone looked at the young woman. No one expected her to want to see him so soon. "Jessica, are you sure about this? You-" Laura was interrupted. 

"I'm sure. Please, I need to speak with him."

Matthias and Maverick looked at one another and nodded. Matthias opened his mind-link and was able to connect with his brother. "Rickon, where are you now?"

"I finally made it to Hecate's place. She's having a look at the body," Rickon responded. 

Matthias noticed that Rickon sounded exhausted and distraught. He may not have loved Andrea romantically, but he did have some care for her. The Alpha believed his brother was guilty of not protecting Andrea or motivating her to get the help she needed. "Alright, I'm happy that you made it there safely. After meeting with Hecate, Maverick and I decided to call on the pack to an emergency meeting. We also decided to introduce the women to the pack since they need some protection. Also, Jessica said that she wants to talk to you."

Beta's Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now