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After Maverick and Iris finished eating in the Korean restaurant, they walked off the food for an hour and eventually returned to the apartments. Maverick got out of the car and went to open the door for Iris; she got out. The two looked at one another, not knowing what to do next. "So, uh, are you going to talk with Jessica about moving into the new apartment?"

"Definitely. I want a new beginning. Either way, my ex and family know where I am, and I don't want to deal with them. I think Jessica will agree, too; we will sign the contract."

Maverick smiled. He was happy that Iris was going to be close to the pack. Once she signed the contract, she would be closer to him. Yet, he was going to have to think of ways to get her to be open to the fact that werewolves exist. "Great, get some rest since you had a long day. If you two sign the contracts, you can contact me or Rickon to discuss the next steps."

"Of course." Iris felt her body stiffen since she was thinking about doing the unthinkable. Her brain told her it was too soon to do such an action. Maverick was about to turn to leave, but Iris gathered her courage and fought against the hesitation. She put her hands on his shoulder, reached up, and kissed Maverick on the cheek. She immediately let him go and looked away to hide the blush on her face. "Th-Thank you for today! I will see you!" Iris immediately ran toward the apartment while Maverick stood feeling stunned.

He slowly touched the spot where Iris kissed him. It was fast, but her lips were soft and warm. He watched as Iris went back inside the apartment, and he smiled. Maverick went back inside; he couldn't deny that he enjoyed the kiss on his cheek. It has been a long time since that was done to him. As he turned on the car and drove off, he couldn't help but miss the feeling of warm action. He missed being kissed and touched with such affection. When Ofelia died, he had many one-night stands, but it was to dull his pain. There was no affection and love out of those one-night stands. He was excited that Iris took that step, even though it was a small kiss. "I will get a real kiss out of her."

As he was driving, his phone, which was connected to the phone carrier of his car, rang; he answered.

"Hey, Maverick, it's me."

"Rickon, I didn't realize that you would call so soon. I wanted to wait until tomorrow to see how you're little date with Jessica went." When Rickon didn't answer momentarily, Maverick felt something was wrong. "Rickon, what happened? Did you do something stupid?"

"Not to Jessica. Andrea was waiting for me at my house. She didn't take the breakup very well."

Maverick sighed as he massaged his forehead. "I knew this would happen when you decided to make her your friend with benefits. I have always told you that women view sex as something emotional. I also told you that Andrea had many issues, and you took advantage of that."

"I was lonely, Maverick. I'll admit I did wrong, but I'm calling because I'm worried about what Andrea might do next. I can't have Jessica know about her."

"Did you talk to Matthias about this?"

"No, I know he will lecture me about my stupid actions. I understand that I am an irresponsible and selfish asshole! I finally realize that Andrea is crazy, and I don't want her to do something stupid that will involve my mate. I need your help."

Maverick made a right turn that led to the highway. He drove at a faster pace, processing what Rickon told him. It was one problem after another. The Beta didn't want to involve himself with Rickon's issues; he didn't want it to affect his relationship with Iris. He knew that Iris viewed Jessica more like a sister and wouldn't accept if anyone hurt her. "Look, I can't do anything, Rickon. Your brother and I always warned against being with Andrea, and you didn't listen. Your brother and I can only get involved if Andrea breaks our laws. If she tries hurting a human, then she will punished accordingly."

"So, you're not going to help!? I'm telling you that Andrea might do something!"

"You know the laws, Rickon! I can't change the laws; only Matthias can. If I were you, I would tell Jessica the truth about Andrea. If you're honest with her about your past, she will probably respect and trust you. There is nothing more that I can do. Iris told me she and Jessica might sign the contract, so get ready for their phone call." With that, Maverick hung up the phone as he kept on driving. The Beta wasn't surprised that Rickon was having problems with Andrea. He and Matthias knew she had issues and needed professional help, which she always refused. He just hoped that Rickon would do the right thing.

Meanwhile, Iris was drinking a cup of water in the kitchen while Jessica got out of the shower. "Jessica, how was it?"

"Oh, it was nice. The cafe was cozy; the food and drinks were delicious. We went for a walk afterward. Rickon looked as if he could continue for the whole day." Jessica continued talking more about her little date but couldn't help but notice the look on Iris's face; something was wrong. "Hey, what's with the face?"

"Oh, well..."

Jessica put the towel down as she walked toward her friend. "You know I don't like it when you keep things from me. Don't you trust me?"

Iris was silent for a moment; she hugged herself. "My parents came unexpectedly."

"What!? When!?"

"Moments after you left. Of course, they defended my sister and are trying to convince me to forgive her. I called Maverick, and he took me out to eat."

"Why didn't you call me!? I would have been there and-"

Iris shook her head. "You were with Rickon, and I didn't want to ruin your moment. Besides, I don't want to rely on you forever. Sometimes, I have to confront my problems on my own. I told Maverick that I wanted to sign the contract and move into the new apartments."

Jessica stood silent for a while and sighed. "I was thinking the same thing. Maverick and Rickon look to be trustworthy guys. So are you sure you want to do this? I mean, this is a big step."

"I'm sure. I want to move on with my life and start anew."

"Iris, you may not want to hear this, but you will eventually have to confront your sister. You know you cannot move on until you tell your sister what you feel. You and I know she might never change, but once you say your peace, I know you can move on."

"I-I know, but I want to take small steps at a time. I told my parents what I felt and felt part of the weight in my heart lift." Iris then remembered Maverick and the kiss she gave him. "Maverick also asked if he could take me out more often."

This made Jessica gasp in excitement. "R-Really!? What did you say!?"

"I-I said yes. I also kissed him on the cheek."

"EEEEEKKKKK! Look at you go, girl! I'm so damn happy that you are taking many steps at a time! I know that you will heal from this! Anyway, let's sign the contracts and call the guys tomorrow!"

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