Chapter 30

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I came back from the beach and decided to get fresh, showering and putting on a red bridal dress with minimal makeup actually felt relieving.

"You are ready" came his stern voice from behind while   I saw myself in the mirror.

"You could have knocked, clearly being a King doesn't excuse you from ill mannerism" I said without looking at him, suddenly feeling very interested in the way my necklace looked on my neck and ignoring how he kept looking at me up down, taking in my appearance.

" I did.. you didn't answer.." he said again and fixed his perfect hair which really didn't need fixing.

"May be .. should have leave then .." I finally turned around and gave him a polite yet mean smile. I didn't want him here why was he even standing in front of me right now.

He narrowed his eyes at me and then offered his hand which was closed in a fist.
"Well open it so that I can see what new chains I got HUSBAND" I knowningly pressed on husband and looked at him interestingly. J knew he brought a jewelry, it was evident.
His eyes darkened a little but clearly masked it before I could point it out and smirked at me.
He finally opened his hand and forwarded a white coloured stone like necklace. It was an inch big but what made it beautiful was the leave like patterns that surrounded it.

"The mother of my soon to be child deserves everything and that's what this heirloom is for, it's an enchanted blessing of our forefathers, my mother had it and my grandmother too... It's yours now.." he finished and turned me towards the mirror, starting to make me wear it.

"I can do it by myself!" I pushed him away and stood a foot away from him, scared with all the touching he was doing after marriage.
This was getting serious but I had no chance.

ITS JUST THE START. my inner voice said.

"As you like love...." He smirked and stepped back but before turning around he again started.

"Oh.. I forgot your trial.. I mean your duties as my Luna starts today... Help the kitchen first in preparing a large meal for 50 people." He wickedly smiled and left me with my mouth wide open.

What did he just say?? Me and cook?? In your dreams.

I ran after him and grabbed him by his arm in the hallway.

" I am not your cook!" I angrily said and glared at him as best as I could.

"Well you don't wanna be a wife any soon so...." He was taunting me with his dirty comments now, what a monster.

"Excuse me! What are you implying on huh? You think I am only good for cooking or warming up your bed" I shouted, not worrying About the shy glances the maids threw at me nor the uncomfortable fidgeting of beta Eric who possibly followed the voice of his king or may be mine and was one of the many spectators.
But I don't care..

"That's what you said.. listen here every body inside these walls has a job to prove themselves and since you aren't taking up your only job.. I am just providing you with another one or...." The king came near me and whispered queitly.

"Or you could just be nice enough to wait for me in our bedroom and we can begin doing what newly married couples do" he ended and straighten himself proudly as if he had pulled a very nice stunt.
While I was standing there like a tomato. Clearly embarrassed and tired of his behaviors and stubbornness.

"Now my bride.. if you excuse me." He nodded at me and went away God knows where.

As there king went away, so we're his followers.
"Am I alone here?" A lone tear dropped at my cheek.
I was alone in the hallway so I decide to find eve and ask her for the direction to the kitchen.
The palace was very big and walking for half an hour I was sure I was lost here.

"M-am-m Ma-maa" I heard a voice behind me. It sounded like a child but there were no children here in the palace or were they..
I turned and looked here and there to find the source of that voice.
As I was searching,  I heard a crashing sound and followed a shril cry if a baby
"Awerhhhhhh wahhhhhh awahhhhhh" may be there was child in pain and just as I thought I found a little baby girl crying on the floor at the side of the hallway. She was wet from crying while a broken vase lying near her.

"Oh my god.... Baby are you hurt?" I looked at her worried and checked her for injuries.

"Ma...mamamaa..mama" she called again and tried to grab me with her hands  , may be she was looking for her momma, poor child. I picked her up and started bouncing her.

"Shhh don't cry, shhhh you will be fine shhh I am here baby, we will find your mama" she was now resting her head on my chest.

"Awww my heart" I looked down at her lovingly, she felt like my own and I don't know why.

"Hushhhh" "Ethinaaaa I brought milk- oh my What are you doing here???   Ethina is queitly sitting in your hands???" Eve bombarded with me questions one by one.

"Shush. She is scared" I glared at her and started walking her along the hallway, the big windows had breeze coming in so it helped baby Ethina calm down.
Eve followed me every where and I could see how she just watched me or more like observed me.

"Ethina never lets anyone but the king fees her or even carry her...." She started. Hearing her I turned and questioned
"So he has a daughter yet he married me ??" I asked and traced my finger in baby's head.
I can't believe a man like him has such an angel child.

"No... You don't understand  she is his Niece" eve finally said .

Well I was right, it was impossible for an orc like him to have an angel like her. Heheh

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