Chapter 7

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Bamm bamm ?!!!!!!!!!booommm!!! Screeeeccccchhh!!! Our car was hitting those bastards and of course it was me driving (clap for your girl) "You are okay right"I asked him seeing how scared he was for his child ,reminding me I was also someone's child and may be they were also scared for me ."Look ahead"Salim shouted like a man in labour pain(haha) and what I see in front was a 10 feet half wolf half human creature,like seriously dude variations in monsters are not cool at all."Drive Drive driveeeeee!!!!!!!" Salim shouted again. I started the engines and was going to get pass through that shit when it decided to lay it's precious attention to us nobodies(note the sarcasm)"it's chasing us " "I KNOW GOD DAMMIT" I YELLED AT SALIM.

"Come on you need to diet wolf z no need to eat us now"I joked and laughed a little while Salim continued looking at me in horror.Hey don't get me wrong I know I have a baby and a big baby on board whom I have to save but I don't think I would be alive in next two hours to joke so why not use the time huh🙄.Finally as we had a healthy distance between that wolf z and us I started seeing the ships door opened and ready to board.May be I am going to live but just as I thought this bammm !!!! Something hit our car throwing it side ways , agood distance from the ship."ouch"I said as a big lump of meat was hanging from my hand "Salim you there" I asked not really worrying about him but the baby he had"I think I broke my leg you go I can't move it" he said ending every chance I had of saving us"you go take my Baby it's not worth it love"he said with tears in his eyes" .Hearing I looked around no wolf z or those bastards in sight "We will walk I will help you still you have chance come-on""No do you wanna die idiot?"He yelled at me "Finished? Now come-on before someone comes" I tied the baby to me and help Salim and more like started drag running towards the ship as we were nearing it everyone at the ship started to come in view mama dad and my brother along with salim's wife smiling.As I started to smile one of them that happened to be my mother lost her smile"Look Back !!!!" As I did what she told, a few metres a black dog like figure came in sight and I knew it was non other than wolf z of ours"ohh my god"Salim whispered"run!!!" I knew we could do this if not me they both definitely can " Salim we are near I will distract him you go " isaid while handing his child to him "don't do this I will feel guilty for the rest of my life plzzz"he begged "No it's my choice just run okay plzzzz and take care of yourself now go"I told him.He started running but I forgot one thing"Salim!!!" I shouted he turned to me heaving "Tell ma I love her and I am sorry"I told him with tears in my eyes,he smiled brokenly and continued running. Turning my back I saw clouds of sand coming my way and that time I knew I was doomed,cries echoes and screams were heard as people witnessed me running towards it ,I started running towards wolfy z keeping one thing in mind 'To die in one piece atleast'......

Sooooooo did you like it hmm hmmm hmmmmmmmmm.I hope so novas that you liked what I delivered ,can you predict what is going to happen huh....So tell me if someone's copied it or anything, I know I can count on it.Be happy ,eat well. No wait sleep or eat or do whatever you want just keep smiling!

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