Chapter 4 freedom= a blessing or a curse

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It surprised me how I was so calm and content seeing something like a flying ball hovering over the near by hill, too little to be noticed by someone on the ground but I could see it and somehow I knew it could also see me, freaking out I rushed back to the ground floor, falling here and there on my way. As I reached near the truck, my family was all set and ready to go.It was difficult to decide whether I should tell father about it or not but I decided the latter and hoped on the back space of the truck.I was good at shooting and also wanted to make sure if someone was following us or not so decided it was better that I sit in the back.
"Where were you?we have been waiting for so long and also where are the chips and biscuits mom asked you to put in the bag?"my sister Nia asked.
"Nothing left " I replied coolly not wanting to be caught in this discussion but much to my dismay my dear mother heard it"WHATTTTT ARE YOU SERIOUS,ARE WE GONNA DIE WITHOUT FOOD OR YOU GONNA PLANT SOMETHING IN YOUR GARDEN FOR US UGHHHH THIS GIRL SAM....I TOLD YOU TO CHECK ON HER BUT YOUU"Mom started panicking and it was worth it as we had no supplies and the colony mart that we all built was also out of stock.The only thing left was to visit the stores of forbidden ground.

"We could get something on our way you know,the stores would be empty now seeing what the government announced about those creatures being dead"my brother Noah said ignoring the twitching eye my father was seeing him through.
"No we can't and that's final, I am not going to risk all of your lives just because a bunch of your hungry stomachs".
"Love you know we can't continue empty handed without any supplies on this journey plus the most hungry one among us is you now isn't it?"
Mum like always spit out the facts that my father hated but undertones loved.
With these words we all started the journey praying no evil comes in the way or more like we don't come in its way hahaha funny right??..umm never mind.
After a two hour drive we were now at the borders of our previous safe heaven,turning back I saw two more cars following us and it was a relief to see that it was one of our neighbors from the colony.
Continuing we finally reached the super mart left abandoned by the people of the city.I remember how many good times we had here and all the cotton candy and free chocolates I got from the good lady who worked at the candy shop ,she was probably dead and could possibly be eating someone right now.Sighing I got off the truck with Seth my younger brother along with Nia and dad following.Mum and Noah were staying behind in case something goes wrong and we have to escape.
"Remember what I said earlier,family before yourself"dad said to everyone but looked at me silently telling the statement was for me and no one else.
It was weird how he was using such words it nearly felt like I was not important to him and he would in a blink ditch me in order to save others.
I shrugged off the feeling and proceeded towards the mart.
"Choice"reading the mart's name out loud And loading my gun i stepped in.
It was pretty good and well kept as compare to what has been happening in the past few years.
Even the grocery was lined up neatly making me wanna stay there for the rest of my life but we could not.
"Done day dreaming now help me with these"Seth as usual teases me.
Boom boom boom!!!! suddenly a sound came so loud that even the shelves moved.
Ash and mum came running in too"What was that?"
"A bomb may be"dad said.
"But why would anyone do that it would probably wake up the remaining monsters in hiding.
"Let's go" dad said as we had gathered everything we wanted.
Getting in we continued our journey not thinking much about what happened earlier.

So hope you enjoyed.Its a slow dose, building up the interest is what I am trying to do.

Love you all Novas


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